To enable single controller multi-tenancy, a different Identity can be added to the Azure Cluster that will be used as the Azure Identity when creating Azure resources related to that cluster.
This is achieved using workload identity.
Supported Identity Types
Please read the identities page for more information on the supported identity types.
AllowedNamespaces is used to identify the namespaces the clusters are allowed to use the identity from. Namespaces can be selected either using an array of namespaces or with label selector. An empty allowedNamespaces object indicates that AzureClusters can use this identity from any namespace. If this object is nil, no namespaces will be allowed (default behavior, if this field is not provided) A namespace should be either in the NamespaceList or match with Selector to use the identity. Please note NamespaceList will take precedence over Selector if both are set.
Deprecated Identity Types
Manual Service Principal (deprecated)
Manual Service Principal Identity uses the service principal’s clientSecret
directly fetched from the secret containing it. To use this type of identity, set the identity type as ManualServicePrincipal
in AzureClusterIdentity
. For example,
kind: AzureClusterIdentity
name: example-identity
namespace: default
type: ManualServicePrincipal
tenantID: <azure-tenant-id>
clientID: <client-id-of-SP-identity>
clientSecret: {"name":"<secret-name-for-client-password>","namespace":"default"}
- <cluster-namespace>
Deploy this resource to your cluster:
kubectl apply -f azure-cluster-identity.yaml
A Kubernetes Secret should also be created to store the client password:
kubectl create secret generic "${AZURE_CLUSTER_IDENTITY_SECRET_NAME}" --from-literal=clientSecret="${AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET}"
The resulting Secret should look similar to the following example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: <secret-name-for-client-password>
type: Opaque
clientSecret: <client-secret-of-SP-identity>