(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
AADProfile - AAD integration managed by AKS. See also AKS doc.
Field | Description |
managed bool |
Managed - Whether to enable managed AAD. |
adminGroupObjectIDs []string |
AdminGroupObjectIDs - AAD group object IDs that will have admin role of the cluster. |
(Appears on:AKSExtension)
AKSAssignedIdentity defines the AKS assigned-identity of the aks marketplace extension, if configured.
Value | Description |
"SystemAssigned" |
AKSAssignedIdentitySystemAssigned … |
"UserAssigned" |
AKSAssignedIdentityUserAssigned … |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
AKSExtension represents the configuration for an AKS cluster extension. See also AKS doc.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the extension. |
aksAssignedIdentityType AKSAssignedIdentity |
AKSAssignedIdentityType is the type of the AKS assigned identity. |
autoUpgradeMinorVersion bool |
AutoUpgradeMinorVersion is a flag to note if this extension participates in auto upgrade of minor version, or not. |
configurationSettings map[string]string |
ConfigurationSettings are the name-value pairs for configuring this extension. |
extensionType string |
ExtensionType is the type of the Extension of which this resource is an instance. It must be one of the Extension Types registered with Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration by the Extension publisher. |
plan ExtensionPlan |
Plan is the plan of the extension. |
releaseTrain string |
ReleaseTrain is the release train this extension participates in for auto-upgrade (e.g. Stable, Preview, etc.) This is only used if autoUpgradeMinorVersion is ‘true’. |
scope ExtensionScope |
Scope is the scope at which this extension is enabled. |
version string |
Version is the version of the extension. |
identity ExtensionIdentity |
Identity is the identity type of the Extension resource in an AKS cluster. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
Field | Description |
tier AzureManagedControlPlaneSkuTier |
Tier - Tier of an AKS cluster. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
APIServerAccessProfile tunes the accessibility of the cluster’s control plane. See also AKS doc.
Field | Description |
authorizedIPRanges []string |
AuthorizedIPRanges - Authorized IP Ranges to kubernetes API server. |
APIServerAccessProfileClassSpec APIServerAccessProfileClassSpec |
(Members of |
(Appears on:APIServerAccessProfile)
APIServerAccessProfileClassSpec defines the APIServerAccessProfile properties that may be shared across several API server access profiles.
Field | Description |
enablePrivateCluster bool |
EnablePrivateCluster indicates whether to create the cluster as a private cluster or not. |
privateDNSZone string |
PrivateDNSZone enables private dns zone mode for private cluster. |
enablePrivateClusterPublicFQDN bool |
EnablePrivateClusterPublicFQDN indicates whether to create additional public FQDN for private cluster or not. |
(Appears on:AzureMachineSpec)
AdditionalCapabilities enables or disables a capability on the virtual machine.
Field | Description |
ultraSSDEnabled bool |
UltraSSDEnabled enables or disables Azure UltraSSD capability for the virtual machine. Defaults to true if Ultra SSD data disks are specified, otherwise it doesn’t set the capability on the VM. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
AddonProfile represents a managed cluster add-on.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name - The name of the managed cluster add-on. |
config map[string]string |
Config - Key-value pairs for configuring the add-on. |
enabled bool |
Enabled - Whether the add-on is enabled or not. |
AddressRecord specifies a DNS record mapping a hostname to an IPV4 or IPv6 address.
Field | Description |
Hostname string |
IP string |
(Appears on:AzureClusterIdentitySpec)
AllowedNamespaces defines the namespaces the clusters are allowed to use the identity from NamespaceList takes precedence over the Selector.
Field | Description |
list []string |
A nil or empty list indicates that AzureCluster cannot use the identity from any namespace. |
selector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector |
Selector is a selector of namespaces that AzureCluster can use this Identity from. This is a standard Kubernetes LabelSelector, a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. A nil or empty selector indicates that AzureCluster cannot use this AzureClusterIdentity from any namespace. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
AutoScalerProfile parameters to be applied to the cluster-autoscaler. See also AKS doc, K8s doc.
Default values are from
Field | Description |
balanceSimilarNodeGroups BalanceSimilarNodeGroups |
BalanceSimilarNodeGroups - Valid values are ‘true’ and ‘false’. The default is false. |
expander Expander |
Expander - If not specified, the default is ‘random’. See expanders for more information. |
maxEmptyBulkDelete string |
MaxEmptyBulkDelete - The default is 10. |
maxGracefulTerminationSec string |
MaxGracefulTerminationSec - The default is 600. |
maxNodeProvisionTime string |
MaxNodeProvisionTime - The default is ‘15m’. Values must be an integer followed by an ’m’. No unit of time other than minutes (m) is supported. |
maxTotalUnreadyPercentage string |
MaxTotalUnreadyPercentage - The default is 45. The maximum is 100 and the minimum is 0. |
newPodScaleUpDelay string |
NewPodScaleUpDelay - For scenarios like burst/batch scale where you don’t want CA to act before the kubernetes scheduler could schedule all the pods, you can tell CA to ignore unscheduled pods before they’re a certain age. The default is ‘0s’. Values must be an integer followed by a unit (’s’ for seconds, ’m’ for minutes, ‘h’ for hours, etc). |
okTotalUnreadyCount string |
OkTotalUnreadyCount - This must be an integer. The default is 3. |
scanInterval string |
ScanInterval - How often cluster is reevaluated for scale up or down. The default is ‘10s’. |
scaleDownDelayAfterAdd string |
ScaleDownDelayAfterAdd - The default is ‘10m’. Values must be an integer followed by an ’m’. No unit of time other than minutes (m) is supported. |
scaleDownDelayAfterDelete string |
ScaleDownDelayAfterDelete - The default is the scan-interval. Values must be an integer followed by an ’s’. No unit of time other than seconds (s) is supported. |
scaleDownDelayAfterFailure string |
ScaleDownDelayAfterFailure - The default is ‘3m’. Values must be an integer followed by an ’m’. No unit of time other than minutes (m) is supported. |
scaleDownUnneededTime string |
ScaleDownUnneededTime - The default is ‘10m’. Values must be an integer followed by an ’m’. No unit of time other than minutes (m) is supported. |
scaleDownUnreadyTime string |
ScaleDownUnreadyTime - The default is ‘20m’. Values must be an integer followed by an ’m’. No unit of time other than minutes (m) is supported. |
scaleDownUtilizationThreshold string |
ScaleDownUtilizationThreshold - The default is ‘0.5’. |
skipNodesWithLocalStorage SkipNodesWithLocalStorage |
SkipNodesWithLocalStorage - The default is false. |
skipNodesWithSystemPods SkipNodesWithSystemPods |
SkipNodesWithSystemPods - The default is true. |
(Appears on:BastionSpec)
AzureBastion specifies how the Azure Bastion cloud component should be configured.
Field | Description |
name string |
(Optional) |
subnet SubnetSpec |
(Optional) |
publicIP PublicIPSpec |
(Optional) |
sku BastionHostSkuName |
BastionHostSkuName configures the tier of the Azure Bastion Host. Can be either Basic or Standard. Defaults to Basic. |
enableTunneling bool |
EnableTunneling enables the native client support feature for the Azure Bastion Host. Defaults to false. |
(Appears on:BastionTemplateSpec)
AzureBastionTemplateSpec specifies a template for an Azure Bastion host.
Field | Description |
subnet SubnetTemplateSpec |
(Optional) |
AzureCluster is the Schema for the azureclusters API.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec AzureClusterSpec |
status AzureClusterStatus |
(Appears on:AzureClusterSpec, AzureClusterTemplateResourceSpec)
AzureClusterClassSpec defines the AzureCluster properties that may be shared across several Azure clusters.
Field | Description |
subscriptionID string |
(Optional) |
location string |
extendedLocation ExtendedLocationSpec |
ExtendedLocation is an optional set of ExtendedLocation properties for clusters on Azure public MEC. |
additionalTags Tags |
AdditionalTags is an optional set of tags to add to Azure resources managed by the Azure provider, in addition to the ones added by default. |
identityRef Kubernetes core/v1.ObjectReference |
IdentityRef is a reference to an AzureIdentity to be used when reconciling this cluster |
azureEnvironment string |
AzureEnvironment is the name of the AzureCloud to be used. The default value that would be used by most users is “AzurePublicCloud”, other values are: - ChinaCloud: “AzureChinaCloud” - GermanCloud: “AzureGermanCloud” - PublicCloud: “AzurePublicCloud” - USGovernmentCloud: “AzureUSGovernmentCloud” Note that values other than the default must also be accompanied by corresponding changes to the aso-controller-settings Secret to configure ASO to refer to the non-Public cloud. ASO currently does not support referring to multiple different clouds in a single installation. The following fields must be defined in the Secret: - AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST - AZURE_RESOURCE_MANAGER_ENDPOINT - AZURE_RESOURCE_MANAGER_AUDIENCE See the ASO docs for more details. |
cloudProviderConfigOverrides CloudProviderConfigOverrides |
CloudProviderConfigOverrides is an optional set of configuration values that can be overridden in azure cloud provider config. This is only a subset of options that are available in azure cloud provider config. Some values for the cloud provider config are inferred from other parts of cluster api provider azure spec, and may not be available for overrides. See: Note: All cloud provider config values can be customized by creating the secret beforehand. CloudProviderConfigOverrides is only used when the secret is managed by the Azure Provider. |
failureDomains |
FailureDomains is a list of failure domains in the cluster’s region, used to restrict eligibility to host the control plane. A FailureDomain maps to an availability zone, which is a separated group of datacenters within a region. See: |
AzureClusterIdentity is the Schema for the azureclustersidentities API.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec AzureClusterIdentitySpec |
status AzureClusterIdentityStatus |
(Appears on:AzureClusterIdentity)
AzureClusterIdentitySpec defines the parameters that are used to create an AzureIdentity.
Field | Description |
type IdentityType |
Type is the type of Azure Identity used. ServicePrincipal, ServicePrincipalCertificate, UserAssignedMSI, ManualServicePrincipal, UserAssignedIdentityCredential, or WorkloadIdentity. |
resourceID string |
ResourceID is the Azure resource ID for the User Assigned MSI resource. Only applicable when type is UserAssignedMSI. Deprecated: This field no longer has any effect. |
clientID string |
ClientID is the service principal client ID. Both User Assigned MSI and SP can use this field. |
clientSecret Kubernetes core/v1.SecretReference |
ClientSecret is a secret reference which should contain either a Service Principal password or certificate secret. |
certPath string |
CertPath is the path where certificates exist. When set, it takes precedence over ClientSecret for types that use certs like ServicePrincipalCertificate. |
userAssignedIdentityCredentialsPath string |
UserAssignedIdentityCredentialsPath is the path where an existing JSON file exists containing the JSON format of a UserAssignedIdentityCredentials struct. See the msi-dataplane for more details on UserAssignedIdentityCredentials - |
userAssignedIdentityCredentialsCloudType string |
UserAssignedIdentityCredentialsCloudType is used with UserAssignedIdentityCredentialsPath to specify the Cloud type. Can only be one of the following values: public, china, or usgovernment If a value is not specified, defaults to public |
tenantID string |
TenantID is the service principal primary tenant id. |
allowedNamespaces AllowedNamespaces |
AllowedNamespaces is used to identify the namespaces the clusters are allowed to use the identity from. Namespaces can be selected either using an array of namespaces or with label selector. An empty allowedNamespaces object indicates that AzureClusters can use this identity from any namespace. If this object is nil, no namespaces will be allowed (default behaviour, if this field is not provided) A namespace should be either in the NamespaceList or match with Selector to use the identity. |
(Appears on:AzureClusterIdentity)
AzureClusterIdentityStatus defines the observed state of AzureClusterIdentity.
Field | Description |
conditions |
Conditions defines current service state of the AzureClusterIdentity. |
(Appears on:AzureCluster)
AzureClusterSpec defines the desired state of AzureCluster.
Field | Description |
AzureClusterClassSpec AzureClusterClassSpec |
(Members of |
networkSpec NetworkSpec |
NetworkSpec encapsulates all things related to Azure network. |
resourceGroup string |
(Optional) |
bastionSpec BastionSpec |
BastionSpec encapsulates all things related to the Bastions in the cluster. |
controlPlaneEnabled bool |
ControlPlaneEnabled enables control plane components in the cluster. |
controlPlaneEndpoint |
ControlPlaneEndpoint represents the endpoint used to communicate with the control plane. It is not recommended to set this when creating an AzureCluster as CAPZ will set this for you. However, if it is set, CAPZ will not change it. |
(Appears on:AzureCluster)
AzureClusterStatus defines the observed state of AzureCluster.
Field | Description |
failureDomains |
FailureDomains specifies the list of unique failure domains for the location/region of the cluster. A FailureDomain maps to Availability Zone with an Azure Region (if the region support them). An Availability Zone is a separate data center within a region and they can be used to ensure the cluster is more resilient to failure. See: This list will be used by Cluster API to try and spread the machines across the failure domains. |
ready bool |
Ready is true when the provider resource is ready. |
conditions |
Conditions defines current service state of the AzureCluster. |
longRunningOperationStates Futures |
LongRunningOperationStates saves the states for Azure long-running operations so they can be continued on the next reconciliation loop. |
AzureClusterTemplate is the Schema for the azureclustertemplates API.
Field | Description | ||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec AzureClusterTemplateSpec |
(Appears on:AzureClusterTemplateSpec)
AzureClusterTemplateResource describes the data needed to create an AzureCluster from a template.
Field | Description | ||||||
spec AzureClusterTemplateResourceSpec |
(Appears on:AzureClusterTemplateResource)
AzureClusterTemplateResourceSpec specifies an Azure cluster template resource.
Field | Description |
AzureClusterClassSpec AzureClusterClassSpec |
(Members of |
networkSpec NetworkTemplateSpec |
NetworkSpec encapsulates all things related to Azure network. |
bastionSpec BastionTemplateSpec |
BastionSpec encapsulates all things related to the Bastions in the cluster. |
(Appears on:AzureClusterTemplate)
AzureClusterTemplateSpec defines the desired state of AzureClusterTemplate.
Field | Description |
template AzureClusterTemplateResource |
(Appears on:Image)
AzureComputeGalleryImage defines an image in the Azure Compute Gallery to use for VM creation.
Field | Description |
gallery string |
Gallery specifies the name of the compute image gallery that contains the image |
name string |
Name is the name of the image |
version string |
Version specifies the version of the marketplace image. The allowed formats are Major.Minor.Build or ‘latest’. Major, Minor, and Build are decimal numbers. Specify ‘latest’ to use the latest version of an image available at deploy time. Even if you use ‘latest’, the VM image will not automatically update after deploy time even if a new version becomes available. |
subscriptionID string |
SubscriptionID is the identifier of the subscription that contains the private compute gallery. |
resourceGroup string |
ResourceGroup specifies the resource group containing the private compute gallery. |
plan ImagePlan |
Plan contains plan information. |
(Appears on:ManagedClusterSecurityProfile)
AzureKeyVaultKms service settings for the security profile. See also AKS doc.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled enables the Azure Key Vault key management service. The default is false. |
keyID string |
KeyID defines the Identifier of Azure Key Vault key. When Azure Key Vault key management service is enabled, this field is required and must be a valid key identifier. |
keyVaultNetworkAccess KeyVaultNetworkAccessTypes |
KeyVaultNetworkAccess defines the network access of key vault. The possible values are Public and Private. Public means the key vault allows public access from all networks. Private means the key vault disables public access and enables private link. The default value is Public. |
keyVaultResourceID string |
KeyVaultResourceID is the Resource ID of key vault. When keyVaultNetworkAccess is Private, this field is required and must be a valid resource ID. |
AzureMachine is the Schema for the azuremachines API.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec AzureMachineSpec |
status AzureMachineStatus |
(Appears on:AzureMachine, AzureMachineTemplateResource)
AzureMachineSpec defines the desired state of AzureMachine.
Field | Description |
providerID string |
ProviderID is the unique identifier as specified by the cloud provider. |
vmSize string |
failureDomain string |
FailureDomain is the failure domain unique identifier this Machine should be attached to, as defined in Cluster API. This relates to an Azure Availability Zone |
image Image |
Image is used to provide details of an image to use during VM creation. If image details are omitted, the default is to use an Azure Compute Gallery Image from CAPZ’s community gallery. |
identity VMIdentity |
Identity is the type of identity used for the virtual machine. The type ‘SystemAssigned’ is an implicitly created identity. The generated identity will be assigned a Subscription contributor role. The type ‘UserAssigned’ is a standalone Azure resource provided by the user and assigned to the VM |
userAssignedIdentities []UserAssignedIdentity |
UserAssignedIdentities is a list of standalone Azure identities provided by the user The lifecycle of a user-assigned identity is managed separately from the lifecycle of the AzureMachine. See |
systemAssignedIdentityRole SystemAssignedIdentityRole |
SystemAssignedIdentityRole defines the role and scope to assign to the system-assigned identity. |
roleAssignmentName string |
Deprecated: RoleAssignmentName should be set in the systemAssignedIdentityRole field. |
osDisk OSDisk |
OSDisk specifies the parameters for the operating system disk of the machine |
dataDisks []DataDisk |
DataDisk specifies the parameters that are used to add one or more data disks to the machine |
sshPublicKey string |
SSHPublicKey is the SSH public key string, base64-encoded to add to a Virtual Machine. Linux only. Refer to documentation on how to set up SSH access on Windows instances. |
additionalTags Tags |
AdditionalTags is an optional set of tags to add to an instance, in addition to the ones added by default by the Azure provider. If both the AzureCluster and the AzureMachine specify the same tag name with different values, the AzureMachine’s value takes precedence. |
additionalCapabilities AdditionalCapabilities |
AdditionalCapabilities specifies additional capabilities enabled or disabled on the virtual machine. |
allocatePublicIP bool |
AllocatePublicIP allows the ability to create dynamic public ips for machines where this value is true. |
enableIPForwarding bool |
EnableIPForwarding enables IP Forwarding in Azure which is required for some CNI’s to send traffic from a pods on one machine to another. This is required for IpV6 with Calico in combination with User Defined Routes (set by the Azure Cloud Controller manager). Default is false for disabled. |
acceleratedNetworking bool |
Deprecated: AcceleratedNetworking should be set in the networkInterfaces field. |
diagnostics Diagnostics |
Diagnostics specifies the diagnostics settings for a virtual machine. If not specified then Boot diagnostics (Managed) will be enabled. |
spotVMOptions SpotVMOptions |
SpotVMOptions allows the ability to specify the Machine should use a Spot VM |
securityProfile SecurityProfile |
SecurityProfile specifies the Security profile settings for a virtual machine. |
subnetName string |
Deprecated: SubnetName should be set in the networkInterfaces field. |
dnsServers []string |
DNSServers adds a list of DNS Server IP addresses to the VM NICs. |
disableExtensionOperations bool |
DisableExtensionOperations specifies whether extension operations should be disabled on the virtual machine. Use this setting only if VMExtensions are not supported by your image, as it disables CAPZ bootstrapping extension used for detecting Kubernetes bootstrap failure. This may only be set to True when no extensions are configured on the virtual machine. |
vmExtensions []VMExtension |
VMExtensions specifies a list of extensions to be added to the virtual machine. |
networkInterfaces []NetworkInterface |
NetworkInterfaces specifies a list of network interface configurations. If left unspecified, the VM will get a single network interface with a single IPConfig in the subnet specified in the cluster’s node subnet field. The primary interface will be the first networkInterface specified (index 0) in the list. |
capacityReservationGroupID string |
CapacityReservationGroupID specifies the capacity reservation group resource id that should be used for allocating the virtual machine. The field size should be greater than 0 and the field input must start with ‘/’. The input for capacityReservationGroupID must be similar to ‘/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/capacityReservationGroups/{capacityReservationGroupName}’. The keys which are used should be among ‘subscriptions’, ‘providers’ and ‘resourcegroups’ followed by valid ID or names respectively. It is optional but may not be changed once set. |
(Appears on:AzureMachine)
AzureMachineStatus defines the observed state of AzureMachine.
Field | Description |
ready bool |
Ready is true when the provider resource is ready. |
addresses []Kubernetes core/v1.NodeAddress |
Addresses contains the Azure instance associated addresses. |
vmState ProvisioningState |
VMState is the provisioning state of the Azure virtual machine. |
failureReason string |
ErrorReason will be set in the event that there is a terminal problem reconciling the Machine and will contain a succinct value suitable for machine interpretation. This field should not be set for transitive errors that a controller faces that are expected to be fixed automatically over time (like service outages), but instead indicate that something is fundamentally wrong with the Machine’s spec or the configuration of the controller, and that manual intervention is required. Examples of terminal errors would be invalid combinations of settings in the spec, values that are unsupported by the controller, or the responsible controller itself being critically misconfigured. Any transient errors that occur during the reconciliation of Machines can be added as events to the Machine object and/or logged in the controller’s output. |
failureMessage string |
ErrorMessage will be set in the event that there is a terminal problem reconciling the Machine and will contain a more verbose string suitable for logging and human consumption. This field should not be set for transitive errors that a controller faces that are expected to be fixed automatically over time (like service outages), but instead indicate that something is fundamentally wrong with the Machine’s spec or the configuration of the controller, and that manual intervention is required. Examples of terminal errors would be invalid combinations of settings in the spec, values that are unsupported by the controller, or the responsible controller itself being critically misconfigured. Any transient errors that occur during the reconciliation of Machines can be added as events to the Machine object and/or logged in the controller’s output. |
conditions |
Conditions defines current service state of the AzureMachine. |
longRunningOperationStates Futures |
LongRunningOperationStates saves the states for Azure long-running operations so they can be continued on the next reconciliation loop. |
AzureMachineTemplate is the Schema for the azuremachinetemplates API.
Field | Description | ||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec AzureMachineTemplateSpec |
(Appears on:AzureMachineTemplateSpec)
AzureMachineTemplateResource describes the data needed to create an AzureMachine from a template.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
metadata |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec AzureMachineSpec |
Spec is the specification of the desired behavior of the machine.
(Appears on:AzureMachineTemplate)
AzureMachineTemplateSpec defines the desired state of AzureMachineTemplate.
Field | Description |
template AzureMachineTemplateResource |
AzureManagedCluster is the Schema for the azuremanagedclusters API.
Field | Description | ||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec AzureManagedClusterSpec |
status AzureManagedClusterStatus |
(Appears on:AzureManagedCluster)
AzureManagedClusterSpec defines the desired state of AzureManagedCluster.
Field | Description |
controlPlaneEndpoint |
ControlPlaneEndpoint represents the endpoint used to communicate with the control plane. Immutable, populated by the AKS API at create. Because this field is programmatically set by CAPZ after resource creation, we define it as +optional in the API schema to permit resource admission. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedCluster)
AzureManagedClusterStatus defines the observed state of AzureManagedCluster.
Field | Description |
ready bool |
Ready is true when the provider resource is ready. |
AzureManagedClusterTemplate is the Schema for the AzureManagedClusterTemplates API.
Field | Description | ||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec AzureManagedClusterTemplateSpec |
(Appears on:AzureManagedClusterTemplateSpec)
AzureManagedClusterTemplateResource describes the data needed to create an AzureManagedCluster from a template.
Field | Description |
spec AzureManagedClusterTemplateResourceSpec |
(Appears on:AzureManagedClusterTemplateResource)
AzureManagedClusterTemplateResourceSpec specifies an Azure managed cluster template resource.
(Appears on:AzureManagedClusterTemplate)
AzureManagedClusterTemplateSpec defines the desired state of AzureManagedClusterTemplate.
Field | Description |
template AzureManagedClusterTemplateResource |
AzureManagedControlPlane is the Schema for the azuremanagedcontrolplanes API.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec AzureManagedControlPlaneSpec |
status AzureManagedControlPlaneStatus |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneSpec, AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplateResourceSpec)
AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec defines the AzureManagedControlPlane properties that may be shared across several azure managed control planes.
Field | Description |
machineTemplate AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplateMachineTemplate |
MachineTemplate contains information about how machines should be shaped when creating or updating a control plane. For the AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplate, this field is used only to fulfill the CAPI contract. |
resourceGroupName string |
ResourceGroupName is the name of the Azure resource group for this AKS Cluster. Immutable. |
version string |
Version defines the desired Kubernetes version. |
virtualNetwork ManagedControlPlaneVirtualNetwork |
VirtualNetwork describes the virtual network for the AKS cluster. It will be created if it does not already exist. |
subscriptionID string |
SubscriptionID is the GUID of the Azure subscription that owns this cluster. |
location string |
Location is a string matching one of the canonical Azure region names. Examples: “westus2”, “eastus”. |
additionalTags Tags |
AdditionalTags is an optional set of tags to add to Azure resources managed by the Azure provider, in addition to the ones added by default. |
networkPlugin string |
NetworkPlugin used for building Kubernetes network. |
networkPluginMode NetworkPluginMode |
NetworkPluginMode is the mode the network plugin should use. Allowed value is “overlay”. |
networkPolicy string |
NetworkPolicy used for building Kubernetes network. |
networkDataplane NetworkDataplaneType |
NetworkDataplane is the dataplane used for building the Kubernetes network. |
outboundType ManagedControlPlaneOutboundType |
Outbound configuration used by Nodes. |
dnsServiceIP string |
DNSServiceIP is an IP address assigned to the Kubernetes DNS service. It must be within the Kubernetes service address range specified in serviceCidr. Immutable. |
loadBalancerSKU string |
LoadBalancerSKU is the SKU of the loadBalancer to be provisioned. Immutable. |
identityRef Kubernetes core/v1.ObjectReference |
IdentityRef is a reference to a AzureClusterIdentity to be used when reconciling this cluster |
aadProfile AADProfile |
AadProfile is Azure Active Directory configuration to integrate with AKS for aad authentication. |
addonProfiles []AddonProfile |
AddonProfiles are the profiles of managed cluster add-on. |
sku AKSSku |
SKU is the SKU of the AKS to be provisioned. |
loadBalancerProfile LoadBalancerProfile |
LoadBalancerProfile is the profile of the cluster load balancer. |
apiServerAccessProfile APIServerAccessProfile |
APIServerAccessProfile is the access profile for AKS API server.
Immutable except for |
autoscalerProfile AutoScalerProfile |
AutoscalerProfile is the parameters to be applied to the cluster-autoscaler when enabled |
azureEnvironment string |
AzureEnvironment is the name of the AzureCloud to be used. The default value that would be used by most users is “AzurePublicCloud”, other values are: - ChinaCloud: “AzureChinaCloud” - PublicCloud: “AzurePublicCloud” - USGovernmentCloud: “AzureUSGovernmentCloud” Note that values other than the default must also be accompanied by corresponding changes to the aso-controller-settings Secret to configure ASO to refer to the non-Public cloud. ASO currently does not support referring to multiple different clouds in a single installation. The following fields must be defined in the Secret: - AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST - AZURE_RESOURCE_MANAGER_ENDPOINT - AZURE_RESOURCE_MANAGER_AUDIENCE See the ASO docs for more details. |
identity Identity |
Identity configuration used by the AKS control plane. |
kubeletUserAssignedIdentity string |
KubeletUserAssignedIdentity is the user-assigned identity for kubelet. For authentication with Azure Container Registry. |
httpProxyConfig HTTPProxyConfig |
HTTPProxyConfig is the HTTP proxy configuration for the cluster. Immutable. |
oidcIssuerProfile OIDCIssuerProfile |
OIDCIssuerProfile is the OIDC issuer profile of the Managed Cluster. |
disableLocalAccounts bool |
DisableLocalAccounts disables getting static credentials for this cluster when set. Expected to only be used for AAD clusters. |
fleetsMember FleetsMemberClassSpec |
FleetsMember is the spec for the fleet this cluster is a member of. See also AKS doc. |
extensions []AKSExtension |
Extensions is a list of AKS extensions to be installed on the cluster. |
autoUpgradeProfile ManagedClusterAutoUpgradeProfile |
AutoUpgradeProfile defines the auto upgrade configuration. |
securityProfile ManagedClusterSecurityProfile |
SecurityProfile defines the security profile for cluster. |
asoManagedClusterPatches []string |
ASOManagedClusterPatches defines JSON merge patches to be applied to the generated ASO ManagedCluster resource. WARNING: This is meant to be used sparingly to enable features for development and testing that are not otherwise represented in the CAPZ API. Misconfiguration that conflicts with CAPZ’s normal mode of operation is possible. |
enablePreviewFeatures bool |
EnablePreviewFeatures enables preview features for the cluster. |
(Appears on:AKSSku)
AzureManagedControlPlaneSkuTier - Tier of a managed cluster SKU.
Value | Description |
"Free" |
FreeManagedControlPlaneTier is the free tier of AKS without corresponding SLAs. |
"Paid" |
PaidManagedControlPlaneTier is the paid tier of AKS with corresponding SLAs. Deprecated. It has been replaced with StandardManagedControlPlaneTier. |
"Standard" |
StandardManagedControlPlaneTier is the standard tier of AKS with corresponding SLAs. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlane)
AzureManagedControlPlaneSpec defines the desired state of AzureManagedControlPlane.
Field | Description |
AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec |
(Members of |
nodeResourceGroupName string |
NodeResourceGroupName is the name of the resource group containing cluster IaaS resources. Will be populated to default in webhook. Immutable. |
controlPlaneEndpoint |
ControlPlaneEndpoint represents the endpoint used to communicate with the control plane. Immutable, populated by the AKS API at create. |
sshPublicKey string |
SSHPublicKey is a string literal containing an ssh public key base64 encoded. Use empty string to autogenerate new key. Use null value to not set key. Immutable. |
dnsPrefix string |
DNSPrefix allows the user to customize dns prefix. Immutable. |
fleetsMember FleetsMember |
FleetsMember is the spec for the fleet this cluster is a member of. See also AKS doc. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlane)
AzureManagedControlPlaneStatus defines the observed state of AzureManagedControlPlane.
Field | Description |
autoUpgradeVersion string |
AutoUpgradeVersion is the Kubernetes version populated after auto-upgrade based on the upgrade channel. |
ready bool |
Ready is true when the provider resource is ready. |
initialized bool |
Initialized is true when the control plane is available for initial contact. This may occur before the control plane is fully ready. In the AzureManagedControlPlane implementation, these are identical. |
conditions |
Conditions defines current service state of the AzureManagedControlPlane. |
longRunningOperationStates Futures |
LongRunningOperationStates saves the states for Azure long-running operations so they can be continued on the next reconciliation loop. |
oidcIssuerProfile OIDCIssuerProfileStatus |
OIDCIssuerProfile is the OIDC issuer profile of the Managed Cluster. |
version string |
Version defines the Kubernetes version for the control plane instance. |
AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplate is the Schema for the AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplates API.
Field | Description | ||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplateSpec |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplateMachineTemplate is only used to fulfill the CAPI contract which expects a MachineTemplate field for any controlplane ref in a topology.
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplateSpec)
AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplateResource describes the data needed to create an AzureManagedCluster from a template.
Field | Description | ||
spec AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplateResourceSpec |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplateResource)
AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplateResourceSpec specifies an Azure managed control plane template resource.
Field | Description |
AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec |
(Members of |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplate)
AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplateSpec defines the desired state of AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplate.
Field | Description |
template AzureManagedControlPlaneTemplateResource |
AzureManagedMachinePool is the Schema for the azuremanagedmachinepools API.
Field | Description | ||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec AzureManagedMachinePoolSpec |
status AzureManagedMachinePoolStatus |
(Appears on:AzureManagedMachinePoolSpec, AzureManagedMachinePoolTemplateResourceSpec)
AzureManagedMachinePoolClassSpec defines the AzureManagedMachinePool properties that may be shared across several Azure managed machinepools.
Field | Description |
additionalTags Tags |
AdditionalTags is an optional set of tags to add to Azure resources managed by the Azure provider, in addition to the ones added by default. |
name string |
Name is the name of the agent pool. If not specified, CAPZ uses the name of the CR as the agent pool name. Immutable. |
mode string |
Mode represents the mode of an agent pool. Possible values include: System, User. |
sku string |
SKU is the size of the VMs in the node pool. Immutable. |
osDiskSizeGB int |
OSDiskSizeGB is the disk size for every machine in this agent pool. If you specify 0, it will apply the default osDisk size according to the vmSize specified. Immutable. |
availabilityZones []string |
AvailabilityZones - Availability zones for nodes. Must use VirtualMachineScaleSets AgentPoolType. Immutable. |
nodeLabels map[string]string |
Node labels represent the labels for all of the nodes present in node pool. See also AKS doc. |
taints Taints |
Taints specifies the taints for nodes present in this agent pool. See also AKS doc. |
scaling ManagedMachinePoolScaling |
Scaling specifies the autoscaling parameters for the node pool. |
maxPods int |
MaxPods specifies the kubelet |
osDiskType string |
OsDiskType specifies the OS disk type for each node in the pool. Allowed values are ‘Ephemeral’ and ‘Managed’ (default). Immutable. See also AKS doc. |
enableUltraSSD bool |
EnableUltraSSD enables the storage type UltraSSD_LRS for the agent pool. Immutable. |
osType string |
OSType specifies the virtual machine operating system. Default to Linux. Possible values include: ‘Linux’, ‘Windows’.
‘Windows’ requires the AzureManagedControlPlane’s |
enableNodePublicIP bool |
EnableNodePublicIP controls whether or not nodes in the pool each have a public IP address. Immutable. |
nodePublicIPPrefixID string |
NodePublicIPPrefixID specifies the public IP prefix resource ID which VM nodes should use IPs from. Immutable. |
scaleSetPriority string |
ScaleSetPriority specifies the ScaleSetPriority value. Default to Regular. Possible values include: ‘Regular’, ‘Spot’ Immutable. |
scaleDownMode string |
ScaleDownMode affects the cluster autoscaler behavior. Default to Delete. Possible values include: ‘Deallocate’, ‘Delete’ |
spotMaxPrice |
SpotMaxPrice defines max price to pay for spot instance. Possible values are any decimal value greater than zero or -1. If you set the max price to be -1, the VM won’t be evicted based on price. The price for the VM will be the current price for spot or the price for a standard VM, which ever is less, as long as there’s capacity and quota available. |
kubeletConfig KubeletConfig |
KubeletConfig specifies the kubelet configurations for nodes. Immutable. |
kubeletDiskType KubeletDiskType |
KubeletDiskType specifies the kubelet disk type. Default to OS. Possible values include: ‘OS’, ‘Temporary’. Requires Microsoft.ContainerService/KubeletDisk preview feature to be set. Immutable. See also AKS doc. |
linuxOSConfig LinuxOSConfig |
LinuxOSConfig specifies the custom Linux OS settings and configurations. Immutable. |
subnetName string |
SubnetName specifies the Subnet where the MachinePool will be placed Immutable. |
enableFIPS bool |
EnableFIPS indicates whether FIPS is enabled on the node pool. Immutable. |
enableEncryptionAtHost bool |
EnableEncryptionAtHost indicates whether host encryption is enabled on the node pool. Immutable. See also AKS doc. |
asoManagedClustersAgentPoolPatches []string |
ASOManagedClustersAgentPoolPatches defines JSON merge patches to be applied to the generated ASO ManagedClustersAgentPool resource. WARNING: This is meant to be used sparingly to enable features for development and testing that are not otherwise represented in the CAPZ API. Misconfiguration that conflicts with CAPZ’s normal mode of operation is possible. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedMachinePool)
AzureManagedMachinePoolSpec defines the desired state of AzureManagedMachinePool.
Field | Description |
AzureManagedMachinePoolClassSpec AzureManagedMachinePoolClassSpec |
(Members of |
providerIDList []string |
ProviderIDList is the unique identifier as specified by the cloud provider. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedMachinePool)
AzureManagedMachinePoolStatus defines the observed state of AzureManagedMachinePool.
Field | Description |
ready bool |
Ready is true when the provider resource is ready. |
replicas int32 |
Replicas is the most recently observed number of replicas. |
errorReason string |
Any transient errors that occur during the reconciliation of Machines can be added as events to the Machine object and/or logged in the controller’s output. |
errorMessage string |
Any transient errors that occur during the reconciliation of Machines can be added as events to the Machine object and/or logged in the controller’s output. |
conditions |
Conditions defines current service state of the AzureManagedControlPlane. |
longRunningOperationStates Futures |
LongRunningOperationStates saves the states for Azure long-running operations so they can be continued on the next reconciliation loop. |
AzureManagedMachinePoolTemplate is the Schema for the AzureManagedMachinePoolTemplates API.
Field | Description | ||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec AzureManagedMachinePoolTemplateSpec |
(Appears on:AzureManagedMachinePoolTemplateSpec)
AzureManagedMachinePoolTemplateResource describes the data needed to create an AzureManagedCluster from a template.
Field | Description | ||
spec AzureManagedMachinePoolTemplateResourceSpec |
(Appears on:AzureManagedMachinePoolTemplateResource)
AzureManagedMachinePoolTemplateResourceSpec specifies an Azure managed control plane template resource.
Field | Description |
AzureManagedMachinePoolClassSpec AzureManagedMachinePoolClassSpec |
(Members of |
(Appears on:AzureManagedMachinePoolTemplate)
AzureManagedMachinePoolTemplateSpec defines the desired state of AzureManagedMachinePoolTemplate.
Field | Description |
template AzureManagedMachinePoolTemplateResource |
(Appears on:Image)
AzureMarketplaceImage defines an image in the Azure Marketplace to use for VM creation.
Field | Description |
ImagePlan ImagePlan |
(Members of |
version string |
Version specifies the version of an image sku. The allowed formats are Major.Minor.Build or ‘latest’. Major, Minor, and Build are decimal numbers. Specify ‘latest’ to use the latest version of an image available at deploy time. Even if you use ‘latest’, the VM image will not automatically update after deploy time even if a new version becomes available. |
thirdPartyImage bool |
ThirdPartyImage indicates the image is published by a third party publisher and a Plan will be generated for it. |
(Appears on:Image)
AzureSharedGalleryImage defines an image in a Shared Image Gallery to use for VM creation.
Field | Description |
subscriptionID string |
SubscriptionID is the identifier of the subscription that contains the shared image gallery |
resourceGroup string |
ResourceGroup specifies the resource group containing the shared image gallery |
gallery string |
Gallery specifies the name of the shared image gallery that contains the image |
name string |
Name is the name of the image |
version string |
Version specifies the version of the marketplace image. The allowed formats are Major.Minor.Build or ‘latest’. Major, Minor, and Build are decimal numbers. Specify ‘latest’ to use the latest version of an image available at deploy time. Even if you use ‘latest’, the VM image will not automatically update after deploy time even if a new version becomes available. |
publisher string |
Publisher is the name of the organization that created the image.
This value will be used to add a |
offer string |
Offer specifies the name of a group of related images created by the publisher.
For example, UbuntuServer, WindowsServer
This value will be used to add a |
sku string |
SKU specifies an instance of an offer, such as a major release of a distribution.
For example, 18.04-LTS, 2019-Datacenter
This value will be used to add a |
(Appears on:CloudProviderConfigOverrides)
BackOffConfig indicates the back-off config options.
Field | Description |
cloudProviderBackoff bool |
(Optional) |
cloudProviderBackoffRetries int |
(Optional) |
cloudProviderBackoffExponent |
(Optional) |
cloudProviderBackoffDuration int |
(Optional) |
cloudProviderBackoffJitter |
(Optional) |
(Appears on:LoadBalancerSpec)
BackendPool describes the backend pool of the load balancer.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name specifies the name of backend pool for the load balancer. If not specified, the default name will be set, depending on the load balancer role. |
(Appears on:AutoScalerProfile)
BalanceSimilarNodeGroups enumerates the values for BalanceSimilarNodeGroups.
Value | Description |
"false" |
BalanceSimilarNodeGroupsFalse … |
"true" |
BalanceSimilarNodeGroupsTrue … |
(Appears on:AzureBastion)
BastionHostSkuName is the name of the SKU used to specify the tier of Azure Bastion Host.
Value | Description |
"Basic" |
BasicBastionHostSku SKU for the Azure Bastion Host. |
"Standard" |
StandardBastionHostSku SKU for the Azure Bastion Host. |
(Appears on:AzureClusterSpec)
BastionSpec specifies how the Bastion feature should be set up for the cluster.
Field | Description |
azureBastion AzureBastion |
(Optional) |
(Appears on:AzureClusterTemplateResourceSpec)
BastionTemplateSpec specifies a template for a bastion host.
Field | Description |
azureBastion AzureBastionTemplateSpec |
(Optional) |
(Appears on:Diagnostics)
BootDiagnostics configures the boot diagnostics settings for the virtual machine. This allows you to configure capturing serial output from the virtual machine on boot. This is useful for debugging software based launch issues.
Field | Description |
storageAccountType BootDiagnosticsStorageAccountType |
StorageAccountType determines if the storage account for storing the diagnostics data should be disabled (Disabled), provisioned by Azure (Managed) or by the user (UserManaged). |
userManaged UserManagedBootDiagnostics |
UserManaged provides a reference to the user-managed storage account. |
(Appears on:BootDiagnostics)
BootDiagnosticsStorageAccountType defines the list of valid storage account types for the boot diagnostics.
Value | Description |
"Disabled" |
DisabledDiagnosticsStorage is used to determine that the diagnostics storage account should be disabled. |
"Managed" |
ManagedDiagnosticsStorage is used to determine that the diagnostics storage account should be provisioned by Azure. |
"UserManaged" |
UserManagedDiagnosticsStorage is used to determine that the diagnostics storage account should be provisioned by the User. |
BuildParams is used to build tags around an azure resource.
Field | Description |
Lifecycle ResourceLifecycle |
Lifecycle determines the resource lifecycle. |
ClusterName string |
ClusterName is the cluster associated with the resource. |
ResourceID string |
ResourceID is the unique identifier of the resource to be tagged. |
Name string |
Name is the name of the resource, it’s applied as the tag “Name” on Azure. |
Role string |
Role is the role associated to the resource. |
Additional Tags |
Any additional tags to be added to the resource. |
(Appears on:KubeletConfig)
CPUManagerPolicy enumerates the values for KubeletConfig.CPUManagerPolicy.
Value | Description |
"none" |
CPUManagerPolicyNone … |
"static" |
CPUManagerPolicyStatic … |
(Appears on:AzureClusterClassSpec)
CloudProviderConfigOverrides represents the fields that can be overridden in azure cloud provider config.
Field | Description |
rateLimits []RateLimitSpec |
(Optional) |
backOffs BackOffConfig |
(Optional) |
(Appears on:AzureMachineSpec)
DataDisk specifies the parameters that are used to add one or more data disks to the machine.
Field | Description |
nameSuffix string |
NameSuffix is the suffix to be appended to the machine name to generate the disk name.
Each disk name will be in format |
diskSizeGB int32 |
DiskSizeGB is the size in GB to assign to the data disk. |
managedDisk ManagedDiskParameters |
ManagedDisk specifies the Managed Disk parameters for the data disk. |
lun int32 |
Lun Specifies the logical unit number of the data disk. This value is used to identify data disks within the VM and therefore must be unique for each data disk attached to a VM. The value must be between 0 and 63. |
cachingType string |
CachingType specifies the caching requirements. |
(Appears on:AzureMachineSpec)
Diagnostics is used to configure the diagnostic settings of the virtual machine.
Field | Description |
boot BootDiagnostics |
Boot configures the boot diagnostics settings for the virtual machine. This allows to configure capturing serial output from the virtual machine on boot. This is useful for debugging software based launch issues. If not specified then Boot diagnostics (Managed) will be enabled. |
(Appears on:DiffDiskSettings)
DiffDiskPlacement - Specifies the ephemeral disk placement for operating system disk. This property can be used by user in the request to choose the location i.e, cache disk, resource disk or nvme disk space for Ephemeral OS disk provisioning. For more information on Ephemeral OS disk size requirements, please refer Ephemeral OS disk size requirements for Windows VM at and Linux VM at
Value | Description |
"CacheDisk" |
DiffDiskPlacementCacheDisk places the OsDisk on cache disk. |
"NvmeDisk" |
DiffDiskPlacementNvmeDisk places the OsDisk on NVMe disk. |
"ResourceDisk" |
DiffDiskPlacementResourceDisk places the OsDisk on temp disk. |
(Appears on:OSDisk)
DiffDiskSettings describe ephemeral disk settings for the os disk.
Field | Description |
option string |
Option enables ephemeral OS when set to “Local” See for full details |
placement DiffDiskPlacement |
Placement specifies the ephemeral disk placement for operating system disk. If placement is specified, Option must be set to “Local”. |
(Appears on:ManagedDiskParameters, VMDiskSecurityProfile)
DiskEncryptionSetParameters defines disk encryption options.
Field | Description |
id string |
ID defines resourceID for diskEncryptionSet resource. It must be in the same subscription |
(Appears on:AutoScalerProfile)
Expander enumerates the values for Expander.
Value | Description |
"least-waste" |
ExpanderLeastWaste … |
"most-pods" |
ExpanderMostPods … |
"priority" |
ExpanderPriority … |
"random" |
ExpanderRandom … |
(Appears on:AzureClusterClassSpec)
ExtendedLocationSpec defines the ExtendedLocation properties to enable CAPZ for Azure public MEC.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name defines the name for the extended location. |
type string |
Type defines the type for the extended location. |
(Appears on:AKSExtension)
ExtensionIdentity defines the identity of the AKS marketplace extension, if configured.
Value | Description |
"SystemAssigned" |
ExtensionIdentitySystemAssigned … |
(Appears on:AKSExtension)
ExtensionPlan represents the plan for an AKS marketplace extension.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the user-defined name of the 3rd Party Artifact that is being procured. |
product string |
Product is the name of the 3rd Party artifact that is being procured. |
promotionCode string |
PromotionCode is a publisher-provided promotion code as provisioned in Data Market for the said product/artifact. |
publisher string |
Publisher is the name of the publisher of the 3rd Party Artifact that is being bought. |
version string |
Version is the version of the plan. |
(Appears on:AKSExtension)
ExtensionScope defines the scope of the AKS marketplace extension, if configured.
Field | Description |
scopeType ExtensionScopeType |
ScopeType is the scope of the extension. It can be either Cluster or Namespace, but not both. |
releaseNamespace string |
ReleaseNamespace is the namespace where the extension Release must be placed, for a Cluster-scoped extension. Required for Cluster-scoped extensions. |
targetNamespace string |
TargetNamespace is the namespace where the extension will be created for a Namespace-scoped extension. Required for Namespace-scoped extensions. |
(Appears on:ExtensionScope)
ExtensionScopeType defines the scope type of the AKS marketplace extension, if configured.
Value | Description |
"Cluster" |
ExtensionScopeCluster … |
"Namespace" |
ExtensionScopeNamespace … |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneSpec)
FleetsMember defines the fleets member configuration. See also AKS doc.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the member. |
FleetsMemberClassSpec FleetsMemberClassSpec |
(Members of |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec, FleetsMember)
FleetsMemberClassSpec defines the FleetsMemberSpec properties that may be shared across several Azure clusters.
Field | Description |
group string |
Group is the group this member belongs to for multi-cluster update management. |
managerName string |
ManagerName is the name of the fleet manager. |
managerResourceGroup string |
ManagerResourceGroup is the resource group of the fleet manager. |
(Appears on:LoadBalancerSpec)
FrontendIP defines a load balancer frontend IP configuration.
Field | Description |
name string |
publicIP PublicIPSpec |
(Optional) |
FrontendIPClass FrontendIPClass |
(Members of |
(Appears on:FrontendIP)
FrontendIPClass defines the FrontendIP properties that may be shared across several Azure clusters.
Field | Description |
privateIP string |
(Optional) |
Future contains the data needed for an Azure long-running operation to continue across reconcile loops.
Field | Description |
type string |
Type describes the type of future, such as update, create, delete, etc. |
resourceGroup string |
ResourceGroup is the Azure resource group for the resource. |
serviceName string |
ServiceName is the name of the Azure service. Together with the name of the resource, this forms the unique identifier for the future. |
name string |
Name is the name of the Azure resource. Together with the service name, this forms the unique identifier for the future. |
data string |
Data is the base64 url encoded json Azure AutoRest Future. |
(Appears on:AzureClusterStatus, AzureMachineStatus, AzureManagedControlPlaneStatus, AzureManagedMachinePoolStatus)
Futures is a slice of Future.
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
HTTPProxyConfig is the HTTP proxy configuration for the cluster.
Field | Description |
httpProxy string |
HTTPProxy is the HTTP proxy server endpoint to use. |
httpsProxy string |
HTTPSProxy is the HTTPS proxy server endpoint to use. |
noProxy []string |
NoProxy indicates the endpoints that should not go through proxy. |
trustedCa string |
TrustedCA is the alternative CA cert to use for connecting to proxy servers. |
(Appears on:PublicIPSpec)
IPTag contains the IpTag associated with the object.
Field | Description |
type string |
Type specifies the IP tag type. Example: FirstPartyUsage. |
tag string |
Tag specifies the value of the IP tag associated with the public IP. Example: SQL. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
Identity represents the Identity configuration for an AKS control plane. See also AKS doc.
Field | Description |
type ManagedControlPlaneIdentityType |
Type - The Identity type to use. |
userAssignedIdentityResourceID string |
UserAssignedIdentityResourceID - Identity ARM resource ID when using user-assigned identity. |
(Appears on:AzureClusterIdentitySpec)
IdentityType represents different types of identities.
Value | Description |
"ManualServicePrincipal" |
ManualServicePrincipal represents a manual service principal. |
"ServicePrincipal" |
ServicePrincipal represents a service principal using a client password as secret. |
"ServicePrincipalCertificate" |
ServicePrincipalCertificate represents a service principal using a certificate as secret. |
"UserAssignedIdentityCredential" |
UserAssignedIdentityCredential represents a UserAssignedIdentityCredential. |
"UserAssignedMSI" |
UserAssignedMSI represents a user-assigned managed identity. |
"WorkloadIdentity" |
WorkloadIdentity represents a WorkloadIdentity. |
(Appears on:AzureMachineSpec)
Image defines information about the image to use for VM creation. There are three ways to specify an image: by ID, Marketplace Image or SharedImageGallery One of ID, SharedImage or Marketplace should be set.
Field | Description |
id string |
ID specifies an image to use by ID |
sharedGallery AzureSharedGalleryImage |
SharedGallery specifies an image to use from an Azure Shared Image Gallery Deprecated: use ComputeGallery instead. |
marketplace AzureMarketplaceImage |
Marketplace specifies an image to use from the Azure Marketplace |
computeGallery AzureComputeGalleryImage |
ComputeGallery specifies an image to use from the Azure Compute Gallery |
(Appears on:AzureComputeGalleryImage, AzureMarketplaceImage)
ImagePlan contains plan information for marketplace images.
Field | Description |
publisher string |
Publisher is the name of the organization that created the image |
offer string |
Offer specifies the name of a group of related images created by the publisher. For example, UbuntuServer, WindowsServer |
sku string |
SKU specifies an instance of an offer, such as a major release of a distribution. For example, 18.04-LTS, 2019-Datacenter |
(Appears on:AzureKeyVaultKms)
KeyVaultNetworkAccessTypes defines the types of network access of key vault. The possible values are Public and Private. The default value is Public.
Value | Description |
"Private" |
KeyVaultNetworkAccessTypesPrivate means the key vault disables public access and enables private link. |
"Public" |
KeyVaultNetworkAccessTypesPublic means the key vault allows public access from all networks. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedMachinePoolClassSpec)
KubeletConfig defines the supported subset of kubelet configurations for nodes in pools. See also AKS doc, K8s doc.
Field | Description |
cpuManagerPolicy CPUManagerPolicy |
CPUManagerPolicy - CPU Manager policy to use. |
cpuCfsQuota bool |
CPUCfsQuota - Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits. |
cpuCfsQuotaPeriod string |
CPUCfsQuotaPeriod - Sets CPU CFS quota period value. Must end in “ms”, e.g. “100ms” |
imageGcHighThreshold int |
ImageGcHighThreshold - The percent of disk usage after which image garbage collection is always run. Valid values are 0-100 (inclusive). |
imageGcLowThreshold int |
ImageGcLowThreshold - The percent of disk usage before which image garbage collection is never run.
Valid values are 0-100 (inclusive) and must be less than |
topologyManagerPolicy TopologyManagerPolicy |
TopologyManagerPolicy - Topology Manager policy to use. |
allowedUnsafeSysctls []string |
AllowedUnsafeSysctls - Allowlist of unsafe sysctls or unsafe sysctl patterns (ending in |
failSwapOn bool |
FailSwapOn - If set to true it will make the Kubelet fail to start if swap is enabled on the node. |
containerLogMaxSizeMB int |
ContainerLogMaxSizeMB - The maximum size in MB of a container log file before it is rotated. |
containerLogMaxFiles int |
ContainerLogMaxFiles - The maximum number of container log files that can be present for a container. The number must be ≥ 2. |
podMaxPids int |
PodMaxPids - The maximum number of processes per pod. Must not exceed kernel PID limit. -1 disables the limit. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedMachinePoolClassSpec)
KubeletDiskType enumerates the values for the agent pool’s KubeletDiskType.
Value | Description |
"OS" |
KubeletDiskTypeOS … |
"Temporary" |
KubeletDiskTypeTemporary … |
(Appears on:LoadBalancerClassSpec)
LBType defines an Azure load balancer Type.
Value | Description |
"Internal" |
Internal is the value for the Azure load balancer internal type. |
"Public" |
Public is the value for the Azure load balancer public type. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedMachinePoolClassSpec)
LinuxOSConfig specifies the custom Linux OS settings and configurations. See also AKS doc.
Field | Description |
swapFileSizeMB int |
SwapFileSizeMB specifies size in MB of a swap file will be created on the agent nodes from this node pool. Max value of SwapFileSizeMB should be the size of temporary disk(/dev/sdb). Must be at least 1. See also AKS doc. |
sysctls SysctlConfig |
Sysctl specifies the settings for Linux agent nodes. |
transparentHugePageDefrag TransparentHugePageOption |
TransparentHugePageDefrag specifies whether the kernel should make aggressive use of memory compaction to make more hugepages available. See also [Linux doc]. [Linux doc]: for more details. |
transparentHugePageEnabled TransparentHugePageOption |
TransparentHugePageEnabled specifies various modes of Transparent Hugepages. See also [Linux doc]. [Linux doc]: for more details. |
(Appears on:LoadBalancerSpec, NetworkTemplateSpec)
LoadBalancerClassSpec defines the LoadBalancerSpec properties that may be shared across several Azure clusters.
Field | Description |
sku SKU |
(Optional) |
type LBType |
(Optional) |
idleTimeoutInMinutes int32 |
IdleTimeoutInMinutes specifies the timeout for the TCP idle connection. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
LoadBalancerProfile - Profile of the cluster load balancer.
At most one of managedOutboundIPs
, outboundIPPrefixes
, or outboundIPs
may be specified.
See also AKS doc.
Field | Description |
managedOutboundIPs int |
ManagedOutboundIPs - Desired managed outbound IPs for the cluster load balancer. |
outboundIPPrefixes []string |
OutboundIPPrefixes - Desired outbound IP Prefix resources for the cluster load balancer. |
outboundIPs []string |
OutboundIPs - Desired outbound IP resources for the cluster load balancer. |
allocatedOutboundPorts int |
AllocatedOutboundPorts - Desired number of allocated SNAT ports per VM. Allowed values must be in the range of 0 to 64000 (inclusive). The default value is 0 which results in Azure dynamically allocating ports. |
idleTimeoutInMinutes int |
IdleTimeoutInMinutes - Desired outbound flow idle timeout in minutes. Allowed values must be in the range of 4 to 120 (inclusive). The default value is 30 minutes. |
(Appears on:NetworkSpec)
LoadBalancerSpec defines an Azure load balancer.
Field | Description |
id string |
ID is the Azure resource ID of the load balancer. READ-ONLY |
name string |
(Optional) |
frontendIPs []FrontendIP |
(Optional) |
frontendIPsCount int32 |
FrontendIPsCount specifies the number of frontend IP addresses for the load balancer. |
backendPool BackendPool |
BackendPool describes the backend pool of the load balancer. |
LoadBalancerClassSpec LoadBalancerClassSpec |
(Members of |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
ManagedClusterAutoUpgradeProfile defines the auto upgrade profile for a managed cluster.
Field | Description |
upgradeChannel UpgradeChannel |
UpgradeChannel determines the type of upgrade channel for automatically upgrading the cluster. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
ManagedClusterSecurityProfile defines the security profile for the cluster.
Field | Description |
azureKeyVaultKms AzureKeyVaultKms |
AzureKeyVaultKms defines Azure Key Vault Management Services Profile for the security profile. |
defender ManagedClusterSecurityProfileDefender |
Defender settings for the security profile. |
imageCleaner ManagedClusterSecurityProfileImageCleaner |
ImageCleaner settings for the security profile. |
workloadIdentity ManagedClusterSecurityProfileWorkloadIdentity |
Workloadidentity enables Kubernetes applications to access Azure cloud resources securely with Azure AD. Ensure to enable OIDC issuer while enabling Workload Identity |
(Appears on:ManagedClusterSecurityProfile)
ManagedClusterSecurityProfileDefender defines Microsoft Defender settings for the security profile. See also AKS doc.
Field | Description |
logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID string |
LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID is the ID of the Log Analytics workspace that has to be associated with Microsoft Defender. When Microsoft Defender is enabled, this field is required and must be a valid workspace resource ID. |
securityMonitoring ManagedClusterSecurityProfileDefenderSecurityMonitoring |
SecurityMonitoring profile defines the Microsoft Defender threat detection for Cloud settings for the security profile. |
(Appears on:ManagedClusterSecurityProfileDefender)
ManagedClusterSecurityProfileDefenderSecurityMonitoring settings for the security profile threat detection.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled enables Defender threat detection |
(Appears on:ManagedClusterSecurityProfile)
ManagedClusterSecurityProfileImageCleaner removes unused images from nodes, freeing up disk space and helping to reduce attack surface area. See also AKS doc.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled enables the Image Cleaner on AKS cluster. |
intervalHours int |
IntervalHours defines Image Cleaner scanning interval in hours. Default value is 24 hours. |
(Appears on:ManagedClusterSecurityProfile)
ManagedClusterSecurityProfileWorkloadIdentity settings for the security profile. See also AKS doc.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled enables the workload identity. |
(Appears on:Identity)
ManagedControlPlaneIdentityType enumerates the values for managed control plane identity type.
Value | Description |
"SystemAssigned" |
ManagedControlPlaneIdentityTypeSystemAssigned Use an implicitly created system-assigned managed identity to manage cluster resources. Components in the control plane such as kube-controller-manager will use the system-assigned managed identity to manipulate Azure resources. |
"UserAssigned" |
ManagedControlPlaneIdentityTypeUserAssigned Use a user-assigned identity to manage cluster resources. Components in the control plane such as kube-controller-manager will use the specified user-assigned managed identity to manipulate Azure resources. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
ManagedControlPlaneOutboundType enumerates the values for the managed control plane OutboundType.
Value | Description |
"loadBalancer" |
ManagedControlPlaneOutboundTypeLoadBalancer … |
"managedNATGateway" |
ManagedControlPlaneOutboundTypeManagedNATGateway … |
"userAssignedNATGateway" |
ManagedControlPlaneOutboundTypeUserAssignedNATGateway … |
"userDefinedRouting" |
ManagedControlPlaneOutboundTypeUserDefinedRouting … |
(Appears on:ManagedControlPlaneVirtualNetworkClassSpec)
ManagedControlPlaneSubnet describes a subnet for an AKS cluster.
Field | Description |
name string |
cidrBlock string |
serviceEndpoints ServiceEndpoints |
ServiceEndpoints is a slice of Virtual Network service endpoints to enable for the subnets. |
privateEndpoints PrivateEndpoints |
PrivateEndpoints is a slice of Virtual Network private endpoints to create for the subnets. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
ManagedControlPlaneVirtualNetwork describes a virtual network required to provision AKS clusters.
Field | Description |
resourceGroup string |
ResourceGroup is the name of the Azure resource group for the VNet and Subnet. |
name string |
Name is the name of the virtual network. |
ManagedControlPlaneVirtualNetworkClassSpec ManagedControlPlaneVirtualNetworkClassSpec |
(Members of |
(Appears on:ManagedControlPlaneVirtualNetwork)
ManagedControlPlaneVirtualNetworkClassSpec defines the ManagedControlPlaneVirtualNetwork properties that may be shared across several managed control plane vnets.
Field | Description |
cidrBlock string |
subnet ManagedControlPlaneSubnet |
(Optional) |
ManagedDiskParameters defines the parameters of a managed disk.
Field | Description |
storageAccountType string |
(Optional) |
diskEncryptionSet DiskEncryptionSetParameters |
DiskEncryptionSet specifies the customer-managed disk encryption set resource id for the managed disk. |
securityProfile VMDiskSecurityProfile |
SecurityProfile specifies the security profile for the managed disk. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedMachinePoolClassSpec)
ManagedMachinePoolScaling specifies scaling options.
Field | Description |
minSize int |
MinSize is the minimum number of nodes for auto-scaling. |
maxSize int |
MaxSize is the maximum number of nodes for auto-scaling. |
(Appears on:SubnetSpec)
NatGateway defines an Azure NAT gateway. NAT gateway resources are part of Vnet NAT and provide outbound Internet connectivity for subnets of a virtual network.
Field | Description |
id string |
ID is the Azure resource ID of the NAT gateway. READ-ONLY |
ip PublicIPSpec |
(Optional) |
NatGatewayClassSpec NatGatewayClassSpec |
(Members of |
(Appears on:NatGateway, SubnetTemplateSpec)
NatGatewayClassSpec defines a NAT gateway class specification.
Field | Description |
name string |
(Appears on:NetworkSpec, NetworkTemplateSpec)
NetworkClassSpec defines the NetworkSpec properties that may be shared across several Azure clusters.
Field | Description |
privateDNSZoneName string |
PrivateDNSZoneName defines the zone name for the Azure Private DNS. |
privateDNSZoneResourceGroup string |
PrivateDNSZoneResourceGroup defines the resource group to be used for Azure Private DNS Zone. If not specified, the resource group of the cluster will be used to create the Azure Private DNS Zone. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
NetworkDataplaneType is the type of network dataplane to use.
Value | Description |
"azure" |
NetworkDataplaneTypeAzure is the Azure network dataplane type. |
"cilium" |
NetworkDataplaneTypeCilium is the Cilium network dataplane type. |
(Appears on:AzureMachineSpec)
NetworkInterface defines a network interface.
Field | Description |
subnetName string |
SubnetName specifies the subnet in which the new network interface will be placed. |
privateIPConfigs int |
PrivateIPConfigs specifies the number of private IP addresses to attach to the interface. Defaults to 1 if not specified. |
acceleratedNetworking bool |
AcceleratedNetworking enables or disables Azure accelerated networking. If omitted, it will be set based on whether the requested VMSize supports accelerated networking. If AcceleratedNetworking is set to true with a VMSize that does not support it, Azure will return an error. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
NetworkPluginMode is the mode the network plugin should use.
Value | Description |
"overlay" |
NetworkPluginModeOverlay is used with networkPlugin=azure, pods are given IPs from the PodCIDR address space but use Azure Routing Domains rather than Kubenet’s method of route tables. See also AKS doc. |
(Appears on:AzureClusterSpec)
NetworkSpec specifies what the Azure networking resources should look like.
Field | Description |
vnet VnetSpec |
Vnet is the configuration for the Azure virtual network. |
subnets Subnets |
Subnets is the configuration for the control-plane subnet and the node subnet. |
apiServerLB LoadBalancerSpec |
APIServerLB is the configuration for the control-plane load balancer. |
nodeOutboundLB LoadBalancerSpec |
NodeOutboundLB is the configuration for the node outbound load balancer. |
controlPlaneOutboundLB LoadBalancerSpec |
ControlPlaneOutboundLB is the configuration for the control-plane outbound load balancer. This is different from APIServerLB, and is used only in private clusters (optionally) for enabling outbound traffic. |
NetworkClassSpec NetworkClassSpec |
(Members of |
(Appears on:AzureClusterTemplateResourceSpec)
NetworkTemplateSpec specifies a network template.
Field | Description |
NetworkClassSpec NetworkClassSpec |
(Members of |
vnet VnetTemplateSpec |
Vnet is the configuration for the Azure virtual network. |
subnets SubnetTemplatesSpec |
Subnets is the configuration for the control-plane subnet and the node subnet. |
apiServerLB LoadBalancerClassSpec |
APIServerLB is the configuration for the control-plane load balancer. |
nodeOutboundLB LoadBalancerClassSpec |
NodeOutboundLB is the configuration for the node outbound load balancer. |
controlPlaneOutboundLB LoadBalancerClassSpec |
ControlPlaneOutboundLB is the configuration for the control-plane outbound load balancer. This is different from APIServerLB, and is used only in private clusters (optionally) for enabling outbound traffic. |
NodePoolMode enumerates the values for agent pool mode.
Value | Description |
"System" |
NodePoolModeSystem represents mode system for azuremachinepool. |
"User" |
NodePoolModeUser represents mode user for azuremachinepool. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec)
OIDCIssuerProfile is the OIDC issuer profile of the Managed Cluster. See also AKS doc.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled is whether the OIDC issuer is enabled. |
(Appears on:AzureManagedControlPlaneStatus)
OIDCIssuerProfileStatus is the OIDC issuer profile of the Managed Cluster.
Field | Description |
issuerURL string |
IssuerURL is the OIDC issuer url of the Managed Cluster. |
(Appears on:AzureMachineSpec)
OSDisk defines the operating system disk for a VM.
WARNING: this requires any updates to ManagedDisk to be manually converted. This is due to the odd issue with conversion-gen where the warning message generated uses a relative directory import rather than the fully qualified import when generating outside of the GOPATH.
Field | Description |
osType string |
diskSizeGB int32 |
DiskSizeGB is the size in GB to assign to the OS disk. Will have a default of 30GB if not provided |
managedDisk ManagedDiskParameters |
ManagedDisk specifies the Managed Disk parameters for the OS disk. |
diffDiskSettings DiffDiskSettings |
(Optional) |
cachingType string |
CachingType specifies the caching requirements. |
OrchestrationModeType represents the orchestration mode for a Virtual Machine Scale Set backing an AzureMachinePool.
Value | Description |
"Flexible" |
FlexibleOrchestrationMode treats VMs as individual resources accessible by standard VM APIs. |
"Uniform" |
UniformOrchestrationMode treats VMs as identical instances accessible by the VMSS VM API. |
PrivateEndpointSpec configures an Azure Private Endpoint.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name specifies the name of the private endpoint. |
location string |
Location specifies the region to create the private endpoint. |
privateLinkServiceConnections []PrivateLinkServiceConnection |
PrivateLinkServiceConnections specifies Private Link Service Connections of the private endpoint. |
customNetworkInterfaceName string |
CustomNetworkInterfaceName specifies the network interface name associated with the private endpoint. |
privateIPAddresses []string |
PrivateIPAddresses specifies the IP addresses for the network interface associated with the private endpoint. They have to be part of the subnet where the private endpoint is linked. |
applicationSecurityGroups []string |
ApplicationSecurityGroups specifies the Application security group in which the private endpoint IP configuration is included. |
manualApproval bool |
ManualApproval specifies if the connection approval needs to be done manually or not. Set it true when the network admin does not have access to approve connections to the remote resource. Defaults to false. |
(Appears on:ManagedControlPlaneSubnet, SubnetClassSpec)
PrivateEndpoints is a slice of PrivateEndpointSpec.
(Appears on:PrivateEndpointSpec)
PrivateLinkServiceConnection defines the specification for a private link service connection associated with a private endpoint.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name specifies the name of the private link service. |
privateLinkServiceID string |
PrivateLinkServiceID specifies the resource ID of the private link service. |
groupIDs []string |
GroupIDs specifies the ID(s) of the group(s) obtained from the remote resource that this private endpoint should connect to. |
requestMessage string |
RequestMessage specifies a message passed to the owner of the remote resource with the private endpoint connection request. |
(Appears on:AzureMachineStatus)
ProvisioningState describes the provisioning state of an Azure resource.
Value | Description |
"Canceled" |
Canceled represents an action which was initiated but terminated by the user before completion. |
"Creating" |
Creating … |
"Deleted" |
Deleted represents a deleted VM NOTE: This state is specific to capz, and does not have corresponding mapping in Azure API ( |
"Deleting" |
Deleting … |
"Failed" |
Failed … |
"Migrating" |
Migrating … |
"Succeeded" |
Succeeded … |
"Updating" |
Updating … |
(Appears on:AzureBastion, FrontendIP, NatGateway)
PublicIPSpec defines the inputs to create an Azure public IP address.
Field | Description |
name string |
dnsName string |
(Optional) |
ipTags []IPTag |
(Optional) |
(Appears on:RateLimitSpec)
RateLimitConfig indicates the rate limit config options.
Field | Description |
cloudProviderRateLimit bool |
(Optional) |
cloudProviderRateLimitQPS |
(Optional) |
cloudProviderRateLimitBucket int |
(Optional) |
cloudProviderRateLimitQPSWrite |
(Optional) |
cloudProviderRateLimitBucketWrite int |
(Optional) |
(Appears on:CloudProviderConfigOverrides)
RateLimitSpec represents the rate limit configuration for a particular kind of resource. Eg. loadBalancerRateLimit is used to configure rate limits for load balancers. This eventually gets converted to CloudProviderRateLimitConfig that cloud-provider-azure expects. See: We cannot use CloudProviderRateLimitConfig directly because floating point values are not supported in controller-tools. See:
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the rate limit spec. |
config RateLimitConfig |
(Optional) |
(Appears on:BuildParams)
ResourceLifecycle configures the lifecycle of a resource.
Value | Description |
"owned" |
ResourceLifecycleOwned is the value we use when tagging resources to indicate that the resource is considered owned and managed by the cluster, and in particular that the lifecycle is tied to the lifecycle of the cluster. |
"shared" |
ResourceLifecycleShared is the value we use when tagging resources to indicate that the resource is shared between multiple clusters, and should not be destroyed if the cluster is destroyed. |
(Appears on:SubnetSpec)
RouteTable defines an Azure route table.
Field | Description |
id string |
ID is the Azure resource ID of the route table. READ-ONLY |
name string |
(Appears on:LoadBalancerClassSpec)
SKU defines an Azure load balancer SKU.
Value | Description |
"Standard" |
SKUStandard is the value for the Azure load balancer Standard SKU. |
(Appears on:VMDiskSecurityProfile)
SecurityEncryptionType represents the Encryption Type when the virtual machine is a Confidential VM.
Value | Description |
"DiskWithVMGuestState" |
SecurityEncryptionTypeDiskWithVMGuestState OS disk confidential encryption with a platform-managed key (PMK) or a customer-managed key (CMK). |
"VMGuestStateOnly" |
SecurityEncryptionTypeVMGuestStateOnly disables OS disk confidential encryption. |
(Appears on:SubnetSpec)
SecurityGroup defines an Azure security group.
Field | Description |
id string |
ID is the Azure resource ID of the security group. READ-ONLY |
name string |
SecurityGroupClass SecurityGroupClass |
(Members of |
(Appears on:SecurityGroup, SubnetTemplateSpec)
SecurityGroupClass defines the SecurityGroup properties that may be shared across several Azure clusters.
Field | Description |
securityRules SecurityRules |
(Optional) |
tags Tags |
(Optional) |
(Appears on:SecurityRule)
SecurityGroupProtocol defines the protocol type for a security group rule.
Value | Description |
"*" |
SecurityGroupProtocolAll is a wildcard for all IP protocols. |
"Icmp" |
SecurityGroupProtocolICMP represents the ICMP protocol. |
"Tcp" |
SecurityGroupProtocolTCP represents the TCP protocol. |
"Udp" |
SecurityGroupProtocolUDP represents the UDP protocol. |
(Appears on:AzureMachineSpec)
SecurityProfile specifies the Security profile settings for a virtual machine or virtual machine scale set.
Field | Description |
encryptionAtHost bool |
This field indicates whether Host Encryption should be enabled or disabled for a virtual machine or virtual machine scale set. This should be disabled when SecurityEncryptionType is set to DiskWithVMGuestState. Default is disabled. |
securityType SecurityTypes |
SecurityType specifies the SecurityType of the virtual machine. It has to be set to any specified value to enable UefiSettings. The default behavior is: UefiSettings will not be enabled unless this property is set. |
uefiSettings UefiSettings |
UefiSettings specifies the security settings like secure boot and vTPM used while creating the virtual machine. |
SecurityRule defines an Azure security rule for security groups.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is a unique name within the network security group. |
description string |
A description for this rule. Restricted to 140 chars. |
protocol SecurityGroupProtocol |
Protocol specifies the protocol type. “Tcp”, “Udp”, “Icmp”, or “*”. |
direction SecurityRuleDirection |
Direction indicates whether the rule applies to inbound, or outbound traffic. “Inbound” or “Outbound”. |
priority int32 |
Priority is a number between 100 and 4096. Each rule should have a unique value for priority. Rules are processed in priority order, with lower numbers processed before higher numbers. Once traffic matches a rule, processing stops. |
sourcePorts string |
SourcePorts specifies source port or range. Integer or range between 0 and 65535. Asterix ‘*’ can also be used to match all ports. |
destinationPorts string |
DestinationPorts specifies the destination port or range. Integer or range between 0 and 65535. Asterix ‘*’ can also be used to match all ports. |
source string |
Source specifies the CIDR or source IP range. Asterix ‘*’ can also be used to match all source IPs. Default tags such as ‘VirtualNetwork’, ‘AzureLoadBalancer’ and ‘Internet’ can also be used. If this is an ingress rule, specifies where network traffic originates from. |
sources []string |
Sources specifies The CIDR or source IP ranges. |
destination string |
Destination is the destination address prefix. CIDR or destination IP range. Asterix ‘*’ can also be used to match all source IPs. Default tags such as ‘VirtualNetwork’, ‘AzureLoadBalancer’ and ‘Internet’ can also be used. |
action SecurityRuleAccess |
Action specifies whether network traffic is allowed or denied. Can either be “Allow” or “Deny”. Defaults to “Allow”. |
(Appears on:SecurityRule)
SecurityRuleAccess defines the action type for a security group rule.
Value | Description |
"Allow" |
SecurityRuleActionAllow allows traffic defined in the rule. |
"Deny" |
SecurityRuleActionDeny denies traffic defined in the rule. |
(Appears on:SecurityRule)
SecurityRuleDirection defines the direction type for a security group rule.
Value | Description |
"Inbound" |
SecurityRuleDirectionInbound defines an ingress security rule. |
"Outbound" |
SecurityRuleDirectionOutbound defines an egress security rule. |
(Appears on:SecurityGroupClass)
SecurityRules is a slice of Azure security rules for security groups.
(Appears on:SecurityProfile)
SecurityTypes represents the SecurityType of the virtual machine.
Value | Description |
"ConfidentialVM" |
SecurityTypesConfidentialVM defines the SecurityType of the virtual machine as a Confidential VM. |
"TrustedLaunch" |
SecurityTypesTrustedLaunch defines the SecurityType of the virtual machine as a Trusted Launch VM. |
ServiceEndpointSpec configures an Azure Service Endpoint.
Field | Description |
service string |
locations []string |
(Appears on:ManagedControlPlaneSubnet, SubnetClassSpec)
ServiceEndpoints is a slice of string.
(Appears on:AutoScalerProfile)
SkipNodesWithLocalStorage enumerates the values for SkipNodesWithLocalStorage.
Value | Description |
"false" |
SkipNodesWithLocalStorageFalse … |
"true" |
SkipNodesWithLocalStorageTrue … |
(Appears on:AutoScalerProfile)
SkipNodesWithSystemPods enumerates the values for SkipNodesWithSystemPods.
Value | Description |
"false" |
SkipNodesWithSystemPodsFalse … |
"true" |
SkipNodesWithSystemPodsTrue … |
(Appears on:SpotVMOptions)
SpotEvictionPolicy defines the eviction policy for spot VMs, if configured.
Value | Description |
"Deallocate" |
SpotEvictionPolicyDeallocate is the default eviction policy and will deallocate the VM when the node is marked for eviction. |
"Delete" |
SpotEvictionPolicyDelete will delete the VM when the node is marked for eviction. |
(Appears on:AzureMachineSpec)
SpotVMOptions defines the options relevant to running the Machine on Spot VMs.
Field | Description |
maxPrice |
MaxPrice defines the maximum price the user is willing to pay for Spot VM instances |
evictionPolicy SpotEvictionPolicy |
EvictionPolicy defines the behavior of the virtual machine when it is evicted. It can be either Delete or Deallocate. |
(Appears on:SubnetSpec, SubnetTemplateSpec)
SubnetClassSpec defines the SubnetSpec properties that may be shared across several Azure clusters.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name defines a name for the subnet resource. |
role SubnetRole |
Role defines the subnet role (eg. Node, ControlPlane) |
cidrBlocks []string |
CIDRBlocks defines the subnet’s address space, specified as one or more address prefixes in CIDR notation. |
serviceEndpoints ServiceEndpoints |
ServiceEndpoints is a slice of Virtual Network service endpoints to enable for the subnets. |
privateEndpoints PrivateEndpoints |
PrivateEndpoints defines a list of private endpoints that should be attached to this subnet. |
(Appears on:SubnetClassSpec)
SubnetRole defines the unique role of a subnet.
Value | Description |
"bastion" |
DefaultAzureBastionSubnetRole is the default Subnet role for AzureBastion. |
"bastion" |
SubnetBastion defines a Bastion subnet role. |
"cluster" |
SubnetCluster defines a role that can be used for both Kubernetes control plane node and Kubernetes workload node. |
"control-plane" |
SubnetControlPlane defines a Kubernetes control plane node role. |
"node" |
SubnetNode defines a Kubernetes workload node role. |
(Appears on:AzureBastion)
SubnetSpec configures an Azure subnet.
Field | Description |
id string |
ID is the Azure resource ID of the subnet. READ-ONLY |
securityGroup SecurityGroup |
SecurityGroup defines the NSG (network security group) that should be attached to this subnet. |
routeTable RouteTable |
RouteTable defines the route table that should be attached to this subnet. |
natGateway NatGateway |
NatGateway associated with this subnet. |
SubnetClassSpec SubnetClassSpec |
(Members of |
(Appears on:AzureBastionTemplateSpec)
SubnetTemplateSpec specifies a template for a subnet.
Field | Description |
SubnetClassSpec SubnetClassSpec |
(Members of |
securityGroup SecurityGroupClass |
SecurityGroup defines the NSG (network security group) that should be attached to this subnet. |
natGateway NatGatewayClassSpec |
NatGateway associated with this subnet. |
(Appears on:NetworkTemplateSpec)
SubnetTemplatesSpec specifies a list of subnet templates.
(Appears on:NetworkSpec)
Subnets is a slice of Subnet.
(Appears on:LinuxOSConfig)
SysctlConfig specifies the settings for Linux agent nodes.
Field | Description |
fsAioMaxNr int |
FsAioMaxNr specifies the maximum number of system-wide asynchronous io requests. Valid values are 65536-6553500 (inclusive). Maps to fs.aio-max-nr. |
fsFileMax int |
FsFileMax specifies the max number of file-handles that the Linux kernel will allocate, by increasing increases the maximum number of open files permitted. Valid values are 8192-12000500 (inclusive). Maps to fs.file-max. |
fsInotifyMaxUserWatches int |
FsInotifyMaxUserWatches specifies the number of file watches allowed by the system. Each watch is roughly 90 bytes on a 32-bit kernel, and roughly 160 bytes on a 64-bit kernel. Valid values are 781250-2097152 (inclusive). Maps to fs.inotify.max_user_watches. |
fsNrOpen int |
FsNrOpen specifies the maximum number of file-handles a process can allocate. Valid values are 8192-20000500 (inclusive). Maps to fs.nr_open. |
kernelThreadsMax int |
KernelThreadsMax specifies the maximum number of all threads that can be created. Valid values are 20-513785 (inclusive). Maps to kernel.threads-max. |
netCoreNetdevMaxBacklog int |
NetCoreNetdevMaxBacklog specifies maximum number of packets, queued on the INPUT side, when the interface receives packets faster than kernel can process them. Valid values are 1000-3240000 (inclusive). Maps to net.core.netdev_max_backlog. |
netCoreOptmemMax int |
NetCoreOptmemMax specifies the maximum ancillary buffer size (option memory buffer) allowed per socket. Socket option memory is used in a few cases to store extra structures relating to usage of the socket. Valid values are 20480-4194304 (inclusive). Maps to net.core.optmem_max. |
netCoreRmemDefault int |
NetCoreRmemDefault specifies the default receive socket buffer size in bytes. Valid values are 212992-134217728 (inclusive). Maps to net.core.rmem_default. |
netCoreRmemMax int |
NetCoreRmemMax specifies the maximum receive socket buffer size in bytes. Valid values are 212992-134217728 (inclusive). Maps to net.core.rmem_max. |
netCoreSomaxconn int |
NetCoreSomaxconn specifies maximum number of connection requests that can be queued for any given listening socket. An upper limit for the value of the backlog parameter passed to the listen(2)( function. If the backlog argument is greater than the somaxconn, then it’s silently truncated to this limit. Valid values are 4096-3240000 (inclusive). Maps to net.core.somaxconn. |
netCoreWmemDefault int |
NetCoreWmemDefault specifies the default send socket buffer size in bytes. Valid values are 212992-134217728 (inclusive). Maps to net.core.wmem_default. |
netCoreWmemMax int |
NetCoreWmemMax specifies the maximum send socket buffer size in bytes. Valid values are 212992-134217728 (inclusive). Maps to net.core.wmem_max. |
netIpv4IPLocalPortRange string |
NetIpv4IPLocalPortRange is used by TCP and UDP traffic to choose the local port on the agent node. PortRange should be specified in the format “first last”. First, being an integer, must be between [1024 - 60999]. Last, being an integer, must be between [32768 - 65000]. Maps to net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range. |
netIpv4NeighDefaultGcThresh1 int |
NetIpv4NeighDefaultGcThresh1 specifies the minimum number of entries that may be in the ARP cache. Garbage collection won’t be triggered if the number of entries is below this setting. Valid values are 128-80000 (inclusive). Maps to net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1. |
netIpv4NeighDefaultGcThresh2 int |
NetIpv4NeighDefaultGcThresh2 specifies soft maximum number of entries that may be in the ARP cache. ARP garbage collection will be triggered about 5 seconds after reaching this soft maximum. Valid values are 512-90000 (inclusive). Maps to net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2. |
netIpv4NeighDefaultGcThresh3 int |
NetIpv4NeighDefaultGcThresh3 specified hard maximum number of entries in the ARP cache. Valid values are 1024-100000 (inclusive). Maps to net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3. |
netIpv4TCPFinTimeout int |
NetIpv4TCPFinTimeout specifies the length of time an orphaned connection will remain in the FIN_WAIT_2 state before it’s aborted at the local end. Valid values are 5-120 (inclusive). Maps to net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout. |
netIpv4TCPKeepaliveProbes int |
NetIpv4TCPKeepaliveProbes specifies the number of keepalive probes TCP sends out, until it decides the connection is broken. Valid values are 1-15 (inclusive). Maps to net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes. |
netIpv4TCPKeepaliveTime int |
NetIpv4TCPKeepaliveTime specifies the rate at which TCP sends out a keepalive message when keepalive is enabled. Valid values are 30-432000 (inclusive). Maps to net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time. |
netIpv4TCPMaxSynBacklog int |
NetIpv4TCPMaxSynBacklog specifies the maximum number of queued connection requests that have still not received an acknowledgment from the connecting client. If this number is exceeded, the kernel will begin dropping requests. Valid values are 128-3240000 (inclusive). Maps to net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog. |
netIpv4TCPMaxTwBuckets int |
NetIpv4TCPMaxTwBuckets specifies maximal number of timewait sockets held by system simultaneously. If this number is exceeded, time-wait socket is immediately destroyed and warning is printed. Valid values are 8000-1440000 (inclusive). Maps to net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets. |
netIpv4TCPTwReuse bool |
NetIpv4TCPTwReuse is used to allow to reuse TIME-WAIT sockets for new connections when it’s safe from protocol viewpoint. Maps to net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse. |
netIpv4TCPkeepaliveIntvl int |
NetIpv4TCPkeepaliveIntvl specifies the frequency of the probes sent out. Multiplied by tcpKeepaliveprobes, it makes up the time to kill a connection that isn’t responding, after probes started. Valid values are 1-75 (inclusive). Maps to net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl. |
netNetfilterNfConntrackBuckets int |
NetNetfilterNfConntrackBuckets specifies the size of hash table used by nf_conntrack module to record the established connection record of the TCP protocol. Valid values are 65536-147456 (inclusive). Maps to net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_buckets. |
netNetfilterNfConntrackMax int |
NetNetfilterNfConntrackMax specifies the maximum number of connections supported by the nf_conntrack module or the size of connection tracking table. Valid values are 131072-1048576 (inclusive). Maps to net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max. |
vmMaxMapCount int |
VMMaxMapCount specifies the maximum number of memory map areas a process may have. Maps to vm.max_map_count. Valid values are 65530-262144 (inclusive). |
vmSwappiness int |
VMSwappiness specifies aggressiveness of the kernel in swapping memory pages. Higher values will increase aggressiveness, lower values decrease the amount of swap. Valid values are 0-100 (inclusive). Maps to vm.swappiness. |
vmVfsCachePressure int |
VMVfsCachePressure specifies the percentage value that controls tendency of the kernel to reclaim the memory, which is used for caching of directory and inode objects. Valid values are 1-500 (inclusive). Maps to vm.vfs_cache_pressure. |
(Appears on:AzureMachineSpec)
SystemAssignedIdentityRole defines the role and scope to assign to the system assigned identity.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the role assignment to create for a system assigned identity. It can be any valid UUID. If not specified, a random UUID will be generated. |
definitionID string |
DefinitionID is the ID of the role definition to create for a system assigned identity. It can be an Azure built-in role or a custom role. Refer to built-in roles: |
scope string |
Scope is the scope that the role assignment or definition applies to. The scope can be any REST resource instance. If not specified, the scope will be the subscription. |
(Appears on:AzureClusterClassSpec, AzureMachineSpec, AzureManagedControlPlaneClassSpec, AzureManagedMachinePoolClassSpec, BuildParams, SecurityGroupClass, VMExtension, VnetClassSpec)
Tags defines a map of tags.
Taint represents a Kubernetes taint.
Field | Description |
effect TaintEffect |
Effect specifies the effect for the taint |
key string |
Key is the key of the taint |
value string |
Value is the value of the taint |
(Appears on:Taint)
TaintEffect is the effect for a Kubernetes taint.
(Appears on:AzureManagedMachinePoolClassSpec)
Taints is an array of Taints.
(Appears on:KubeletConfig)
TopologyManagerPolicy enumerates the values for KubeletConfig.TopologyManagerPolicy.
Value | Description |
"best-effort" |
TopologyManagerPolicyBestEffort … |
"none" |
TopologyManagerPolicyNone … |
"restricted" |
TopologyManagerPolicyRestricted … |
"single-numa-node" |
TopologyManagerPolicySingleNumaNode … |
(Appears on:LinuxOSConfig)
TransparentHugePageOption enumerates the values for various modes of Transparent Hugepages.
Value | Description |
"always" |
TransparentHugePageOptionAlways … |
"defer" |
TransparentHugePageOptionDefer … |
"defer+madvise" |
TransparentHugePageOptionDeferMadvise … |
"madvise" |
TransparentHugePageOptionMadvise … |
"never" |
TransparentHugePageOptionNever … |
(Appears on:SecurityProfile)
UefiSettings specifies the security settings like secure boot and vTPM used while creating the virtual machine.
Field | Description |
secureBootEnabled bool |
SecureBootEnabled specifies whether secure boot should be enabled on the virtual machine. Secure Boot verifies the digital signature of all boot components and halts the boot process if signature verification fails. If omitted, the platform chooses a default, which is subject to change over time, currently that default is false. |
vTpmEnabled bool |
VTpmEnabled specifies whether vTPM should be enabled on the virtual machine. When true it enables the virtualized trusted platform module measurements to create a known good boot integrity policy baseline. The integrity policy baseline is used for comparison with measurements from subsequent VM boots to determine if anything has changed. This is required to be set to Enabled if SecurityEncryptionType is defined. If omitted, the platform chooses a default, which is subject to change over time, currently that default is false. |
(Appears on:ManagedClusterAutoUpgradeProfile)
UpgradeChannel determines the type of upgrade channel for automatically upgrading the cluster. See also AKS doc.
Value | Description |
"node-image" |
UpgradeChannelNodeImage automatically upgrades the node image to the latest version available. Consider using nodeOSUpgradeChannel instead as that allows you to configure node OS patching separate from Kubernetes version patching. |
"none" |
UpgradeChannelNone disables auto-upgrades and keeps the cluster at its current version of Kubernetes. |
"patch" |
UpgradeChannelPatch automatically upgrades the cluster to the latest supported patch version when it becomes available while keeping the minor version the same. For example, if a cluster is running version 1.17.7 while versions 1.17.9, 1.18.4, 1.18.6, and 1.19.1 are available, the cluster will be upgraded to 1.17.9. |
"rapid" |
UpgradeChannelRapid automatically upgrades the cluster to the latest supported patch release on the latest supported minor version. In cases where the cluster is at a version of Kubernetes that is at an N-2 minor version where N is the latest supported minor version, the cluster first upgrades to the latest supported patch version on N-1 minor version. For example, if a cluster is running version 1.17.7 while versions 1.17.9, 1.18.4, 1.18.6, and 1.19.1 are available, the cluster will first be upgraded to 1.18.6 and then to 1.19.1. |
"stable" |
UpgradeChannelStable automatically upgrade the cluster to the latest supported patch release on minor version N-1, where N is the latest supported minor version. For example, if a cluster is running version 1.17.7 while versions 1.17.9, 1.18.4, 1.18.6, and 1.19.1 are available, the cluster will be upgraded to 1.18.6. |
(Appears on:AzureMachineSpec)
UserAssignedIdentity defines the user-assigned identities provided by the user to be assigned to Azure resources.
Field | Description |
providerID string |
ProviderID is the identification ID of the user-assigned Identity, the format of an identity is: ‘azure:///subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName}’ |
(Appears on:BootDiagnostics)
UserManagedBootDiagnostics provides a reference to a user-managed storage account.
Field | Description |
storageAccountURI string |
StorageAccountURI is the URI of the user-managed storage account.
The URI typically will be |
(Appears on:ManagedDiskParameters)
VMDiskSecurityProfile specifies the security profile settings for the managed disk. It can be set only for Confidential VMs.
Field | Description |
diskEncryptionSet DiskEncryptionSetParameters |
DiskEncryptionSet specifies the customer-managed disk encryption set resource id for the managed disk that is used for Customer Managed Key encrypted ConfidentialVM OS Disk and VMGuest blob. |
securityEncryptionType SecurityEncryptionType |
SecurityEncryptionType specifies the encryption type of the managed disk. It is set to DiskWithVMGuestState to encrypt the managed disk along with the VMGuestState blob, and to VMGuestStateOnly to encrypt the VMGuestState blob only. When set to VMGuestStateOnly, VirtualizedTrustedPlatformModule should be set to Enabled. When set to DiskWithVMGuestState, EncryptionAtHost should be disabled, SecureBoot and VirtualizedTrustedPlatformModule should be set to Enabled. It can be set only for Confidential VMs. |
(Appears on:AzureMachineSpec)
VMExtension specifies the parameters for a custom VM extension.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the extension. |
publisher string |
Publisher is the name of the extension handler publisher. |
version string |
Version specifies the version of the script handler. |
settings Tags |
Settings is a JSON formatted public settings for the extension. |
protectedSettings Tags |
ProtectedSettings is a JSON formatted protected settings for the extension. |
(Appears on:AzureMachineSpec)
VMIdentity defines the identity of the virtual machine, if configured.
Value | Description |
"None" |
VMIdentityNone … |
"SystemAssigned" |
VMIdentitySystemAssigned … |
"UserAssigned" |
VMIdentityUserAssigned … |
VMState describes the state of an Azure virtual machine. Deprecated: use ProvisioningState.
(Appears on:VnetSpec, VnetTemplateSpec)
VnetClassSpec defines the VnetSpec properties that may be shared across several Azure clusters.
Field | Description |
cidrBlocks []string |
CIDRBlocks defines the virtual network’s address space, specified as one or more address prefixes in CIDR notation. |
tags Tags |
Tags is a collection of tags describing the resource. |
(Appears on:VnetPeeringSpec)
VnetPeeringClassSpec specifies a virtual network peering class.
Field | Description |
resourceGroup string |
ResourceGroup is the resource group name of the remote virtual network. |
remoteVnetName string |
RemoteVnetName defines name of the remote virtual network. |
forwardPeeringProperties VnetPeeringProperties |
ForwardPeeringProperties specifies VnetPeeringProperties for peering from the cluster’s virtual network to the remote virtual network. |
reversePeeringProperties VnetPeeringProperties |
ReversePeeringProperties specifies VnetPeeringProperties for peering from the remote virtual network to the cluster’s virtual network. |
(Appears on:VnetPeeringClassSpec)
VnetPeeringProperties specifies virtual network peering properties.
Field | Description |
allowForwardedTraffic bool |
AllowForwardedTraffic specifies whether the forwarded traffic from the VMs in the local virtual network will be allowed/disallowed in remote virtual network. |
allowGatewayTransit bool |
AllowGatewayTransit specifies if gateway links can be used in remote virtual networking to link to this virtual network. |
allowVirtualNetworkAccess bool |
AllowVirtualNetworkAccess specifies whether the VMs in the local virtual network space would be able to access the VMs in remote virtual network space. |
useRemoteGateways bool |
UseRemoteGateways specifies if remote gateways can be used on this virtual network. If the flag is set to true, and allowGatewayTransit on remote peering is also set to true, the virtual network will use the gateways of the remote virtual network for transit. Only one peering can have this flag set to true. This flag cannot be set if virtual network already has a gateway. |
VnetPeeringSpec specifies an existing remote virtual network to peer with the AzureCluster’s virtual network.
Field | Description |
VnetPeeringClassSpec VnetPeeringClassSpec |
(Members of |
(Appears on:VnetSpec)
VnetPeerings is a slice of VnetPeering.
(Appears on:VnetTemplateSpec)
VnetPeeringsTemplateSpec defines a list of peerings of the newly created virtual network with existing virtual networks.
(Appears on:NetworkSpec)
VnetSpec configures an Azure virtual network.
Field | Description |
resourceGroup string |
ResourceGroup is the name of the resource group of the existing virtual network or the resource group where a managed virtual network should be created. |
id string |
ID is the Azure resource ID of the virtual network. READ-ONLY |
name string |
Name defines a name for the virtual network resource. |
peerings VnetPeerings |
Peerings defines a list of peerings of the newly created virtual network with existing virtual networks. |
VnetClassSpec VnetClassSpec |
(Members of |
(Appears on:NetworkTemplateSpec)
VnetTemplateSpec defines the desired state of a virtual network.
Field | Description |
VnetClassSpec VnetClassSpec |
(Members of |
peerings VnetPeeringsTemplateSpec |
Peerings defines a list of peerings of the newly created virtual network with existing virtual networks. |
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