Troubleshooting Guide
Common issues users might run into when using Cluster API Provider for Azure. This list is work-in-progress. Feel free to open a PR to add to it if you find that useful information is missing.
Examples of troubleshooting real-world issues
No Azure resources are getting created
This is likely due to missing or invalid Azure credentials.
Check the CAPZ controller logs on the management cluster:
kubectl logs deploy/capz-controller-manager -n capz-system manager
If you see an error similar to this:
azure.BearerAuthorizer#WithAuthorization: Failed to refresh the Token for request to StatusCode=401 -- Original Error: adal: Refresh request failed. Status Code = '401'. Response body: {\"error\":\"invalid_client\",\"error_description\":\"AADSTS7000215: Invalid client secret is provided.
Make sure the provided Service Principal client ID and client secret are correct and that the password has not expired.
The AzureCluster infrastructure is provisioned but no virtual machines are coming up
Your Azure subscription might have no quota for the requested VM size in the specified Azure location.
Check the CAPZ controller logs on the management cluster:
kubectl logs deploy/capz-controller-manager -n capz-system manager
If you see an error similar to this:
"error"="failed to reconcile AzureMachine: failed to create virtual machine: failed to create VM capz-md-0-qkg6m in resource group capz-fkl3tp: compute.VirtualMachinesClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=0 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=\u003cnil\u003e Code=\"OperationNotAllowed\" Message=\"Operation could not be completed as it results in exceeding approved standardDSv3Family Cores quota.
Follow the these steps. Alternatively, you can specify another Azure location and/or VM size during cluster creation.
A virtual machine is running but the k8s node did not join the cluster
Check the AzureMachine (or AzureMachinePool if using a MachinePool) status:
kubectl get azuremachines -o wide
If you see an output like this:
default-template-md-0-w78jt false Updating
This indicates that the bootstrap script has not yet succeeded. Check the AzureMachine status.conditions
field for more information.
Take a look at the cloud-init logs for further debugging.
One or more control plane replicas are missing
Take a look at the KubeadmControlPlane controller logs and look for any potential errors:
kubectl logs deploy/capi-kubeadm-control-plane-controller-manager -n capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system manager
In addition, make sure all pods on the workload cluster are healthy, including pods in the kube-system
Nodes are in NotReady state
Make sure you have installed a CNI on the workload cluster and that all the pods on the workload cluster are in running state.
Load Balancer service fails to come up
Check the cloud-controller-manager logs on the workload cluster.
If running the Azure cloud provider in-tree:
kubectl logs kube-controller-manager-<control-plane-node-name> -n kube-system
If running the Azure cloud provider out-of-tree:
kubectl logs cloud-controller-manager -n kube-system
Watching Kubernetes resources
To watch progression of all Cluster API resources on the management cluster you can run:
kubectl get cluster-api
Looking at controller logs
To check the CAPZ controller logs on the management cluster, run:
kubectl logs deploy/capz-controller-manager -n capz-system manager
Checking cloud-init logs (Ubuntu)
Cloud-init logs can provide more information on any issues that happened when running the bootstrap script.
Option 1: Using the Azure Portal
Located in the virtual machine blade (if enabled for the VM), the boot diagnostics option is under the Support and Troubleshooting section in the Azure portal.
For more information, see here
Option 2: Using the Azure CLI
az vm boot-diagnostics get-boot-log --name MyVirtualMachine --resource-group MyResourceGroup
For more information, see here.
Option 3: With SSH
Using the ssh information provided during cluster creation (environment variable AZURE_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_B64
connect to first control node - capi is default linux user created by deployment
API_SERVER=$(kubectl get azurecluster capz-cluster -o jsonpath='{}')
ssh capi@${API_SERVER}
list nodes
kubectl get azuremachines
capz-cluster-control-plane-2jprg true Succeeded
capz-cluster-control-plane-ck5wv true Succeeded
capz-cluster-control-plane-w4tv6 true Succeeded
capz-cluster-md-0-s52wb false Failed
capz-cluster-md-0-w8xxw true Succeeded
pick node name from output above:
node=$(kubectl get azuremachine capz-cluster-md-0-s52wb -o jsonpath='{.status.addresses[0].address}')
ssh -J capi@${apiserver} capi@${node}
look at cloud-init logs
less /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
Automated log collection
As part of CI there is a log collection tool
which you can also leverage to pull all the logs for machines which will dump logs to ${PWD}/_artifacts}
by default. The following works
if your kubeconfig is configured with the management cluster. See the tool for more settings.
go run -tags e2e ./test/logger.go --name <workload-cluster-name> --namespace <workload-cluster-namespace>
There are also some provided scripts that can help automate a few common tasks.