Flatcar Clusters


CAPZ enables you to create Kubernetes clusters using Flatcar Container Linux on Microsoft Azure. Flatcar Container Linux comes in two flavors:

This variant relies on a vanilla Flatcar marketplace image which leverages the systemd-sysext feature to install and update Kubernetes components. The Kubernetes version is not bound to the Flatcar version (i.e. Flatcar can be upgraded independently from Kubernetes and vice versa).

The template comes with a systemd-sysupdate configuration file that will download each new patch version of Kubernetes (i.e. if you start with Kubernetes 1.x.y, systemd-sysupdate will automatically pull 1.x.y+1 but not 1.x+1.y). Please note that this behavior is disabled by default. To enable the Kubernetes auto-update you can:

  • Update the template to enable the systemd-sysupdate.timer
  • Or run the following command on the nodes: sudo systemctl enable --now systemd-sysupdate.timer

When the Kubernetes release reaches end-of-life it will not receive updates anymore. To switch to a new major version, do a sudo rm /etc/sysupdate.kubernetes.d/kubernetes-*.conf and download the new update config into the folder with cd /etc/sysupdate.kubernetes.d && sudo wget https://github.com/flatcar/sysext-bakery/releases/download/latest/kubernetes-${KUBERNETES_VERSION%.*}.conf.

To coordinate the node reboot, we recommend using Kured. Note that running kubeadm upgrade apply on the first controller and kubeadm upgrade node on all other nodes is not automated (yet): see the docs.

Find the latest published images:

az vm image list --offer flatcar-container-linux-corevm-amd64 --publisher kinvolk --sku stable-gen2 -o table --all Architecture Offer Publisher Sku Urn Version -------------- ------------------------------------ ----------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ... x64 flatcar-container-linux-corevm-amd64 kinvolk stable-gen2 kinvolk:flatcar-container-linux-corevm-amd64:stable-gen2:3975.2.0 3975.2.0 x64 flatcar-container-linux-corevm-amd64 kinvolk stable-gen2 kinvolk:flatcar-container-linux-corevm-amd64:stable-gen2:3975.2.1 3975.2.1 x64 flatcar-container-linux-corevm-amd64 kinvolk stable-gen2 kinvolk:flatcar-container-linux-corevm-amd64:stable-gen2:3975.2.2 3975.2.2

The flatcar flavor

This variant relies on a Flatcar image built using the image-builder project. The Kubernetes version is bound to the Flatcar version and a rebuild of the image is required for each Kubernetes or Flatcar upgrade.

Image creation

The testing reference images are built using image-builder by Flatcar maintainers and published to the Flatcar CAPI Community Gallery on Azure with community gallery name flatcar4capi-742ef0cb-dcaa-4ecb-9cb0-bfd2e43dccc0.

Find the latest published images:

$ az sig image-definition list-community --location westeurope --public-gallery-name flatcar4capi-742ef0cb-dcaa-4ecb-9cb0-bfd2e43dccc0 --only-show-errors -o table HyperVGeneration Location Name OsState OsType UniqueId ------------------ ---------- ---------------------------------- ----------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V2 westeurope flatcar-stable-amd64-capi-v1.23.13 Generalized Linux /CommunityGalleries/flatcar4capi-742ef0cb-dcaa-4ecb-9cb0-bfd2e43dccc0/Images/flatcar-stable-amd64-capi-v1.23.13 V2 westeurope flatcar-stable-amd64-capi-v1.25.4 Generalized Linux /CommunityGalleries/flatcar4capi-742ef0cb-dcaa-4ecb-9cb0-bfd2e43dccc0/Images/flatcar-stable-amd64-capi-v1.25.4 V2 westeurope flatcar-stable-amd64-capi-v1.26.0 Generalized Linux /CommunityGalleries/flatcar4capi-742ef0cb-dcaa-4ecb-9cb0-bfd2e43dccc0/Images/flatcar-stable-amd64-capi-v1.26.0 $ $ az sig image-version list-community --location westeurope --public-gallery-name flatcar4capi-742ef0cb-dcaa-4ecb-9cb0-bfd2e43dccc0 --only-show-errors --gallery-image-definition flatcar-stable-amd64-capi-v1.26.0 ExcludeFromLatest Location Name PublishedDate UniqueId ------------------- ---------- -------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- False westeurope 3227.2.3 2022-12-09T18:05:58.830464+00:00 /CommunityGalleries/flatcar4capi-742ef0cb-dcaa-4ecb-9cb0-bfd2e43dccc0/Images/flatcar-stable-amd64-capi-v1.26.0/Versions/3227.2.3

If you would like customize your images please refer to the documentation on building your own custom images.

Trying it out

To create a cluster using Flatcar Container Linux, use flatcar or flatcar-sysext cluster flavor.

  • Note: When working with Flatcar machines, append --set-string cloudControllerManager.caCertDir=/usr/share/ca-certificates to the cloud-provider-azure helm command. Refer "External Cloud Provider's Note for flatcar-flavored machine"
    • However, no changes are needed when using tilt to bring up Flatcar workload clusters.